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Load Cells: Importance of Regular Calibration and Maintenance for Accuracy

Every manufacturing company that uses instruments and machinery should consider establishing calibration and maintenance as a regular undertaking

Load Cells Calibration


Calibration is a process that compares measurements of known and unknown measuring instruments to ensure they don’t deviate from the standard accuracy. In the calibration industry instruments that have unknown performance are referred to as the “unit tests’. Whereas instruments that have known measurements are the “calibration standards.”

In some cases, the task of calibration entails adjusting devices to align it to a given standard. Load cells measure force and weight in several applications and are mostly used as part of the weighing system. The load indicator in load cells is non-intrusive and highly accurate if properly installed and routinely calibrated.

Below are the importance of regular calibration and maintenance for accuracy:

Keeping Up with Standards

Load cell companies have to ensure they meet compliance obligations of global industry standards such as the ISO9000 and many others. The ISO9000 standard specifies that the maximum duration for the calibration should be undertaken at least once every two years. This is because instruments such as load cells gradually deteriorate in measurement within a period of one to two years. Many load cells have also adopted an annual calibration as its standard interval in ensuring accurate measurements.

Another essential thing to consider while conforming to standards is comparing the current calibration and the previous one to identify the level of accuracy drop off. Such results can help in knowing the suitable calibration times with regards to severe operating conditions and harsh environments, but most importantly, being compliant eases the company from legal sanctions that may arise and affect the business.

Preserves Process Safety

Maintaining process safety is fundamental in measuring equipment such as load cells, which are vital to many industry sectors like aerospace, marine, and heavy lifting equipment as well as automotive. It is hence necessary that measurements are tentatively accurate. According to the Product Liability and Safety act, regular calibration is a fundamental requirement as part of the national standards, and aids in augmenting the compliance to the ISO9000. As a result, companies have to specify their calibrating procedures by distinctly maintaining appropriate calibration records and implementing it within their Quality Management systems.

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If calibration is not well observed, problems may arise that may cause hazardous effects about safety. For example, imagine an engineer replacing a safety valve using a wrench -torque tool- that has not been calibrated. Such an act would present considerable risk to safety due to inaccurate measurements.

Reduces Loss of Revenue 

Instruments or measuring equipment that are not appropriately calibrated may present revenue loss for any industry, whether commercial or manufacturing. Problems with measurement readings may also cause time delays and other safety concerns. Time delays may slow the business process and eventually lead to a reduction in profits.

Additionally, the cost associated with damages to safety can be very expensive to any company and may even lead to reputation damage, but it would be even worse to lose potential customers. Such after-effects and implications are the reason you must constantly recalibrate your load cell system.

Alignment with Manufacturers Guidelines

Another importance of calibration is is that it ensures you work in tandem with the manufacturer’s guidelines. This can be achieved through independent verification, which aids in corroborating the reliability of the service your company is offering. Additionally, for purposes of maintaining authenticity and industry recognition. It is advisable to continually, be presented with a calibration certification after a calibration exercise which helps to fortify your company service to your clients

Improved Efficiency and Accuracy

Most measuring instruments, including load cells, should be regularly quantified with standard validation procedures for reliable reading that help to inform on accurate and decisive decision making. With regular calibration and maintenance, you will be able to authenticate and ascertain readings of load cells when measuring weight and force against a standardized benchmark, which helps to achieve accuracy and efficiency.

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Occasionally instruments’ accuracy tends to drift due to ambient environmental factors like humidity and pressure. Notably, not all systems require calibration, but instruments using load cells to offer critical services that relate to product safety and quality should regularly calibrate their systems. It is even advisable to move such instruments from periodic calibration to on-demand calibration so that as a company, you don’t take chances, which might cause people’s lives or even damage your business reputation.


The importance of instrument calibrations cannot be overemphasized. It could be seen as very basic, yet it is a very vital maintenance requirement. Every manufacturing company that uses instruments and machinery should consider establishing calibration and maintenance as a regular undertaking that is deeply rooted in their business process.

With that, the company will realize the importance of calibration and maintenance. which includes: keeping up with standards, preserving process safety, reducing the loss of revenue, aligning with manufacturer’s guidelines as well as improving efficiency and accuracy.


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Load Cells: Importance of Regular Calibration and Maintenance for Accuracy

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