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4 Bad Habits of Engineers Which Kill Productivity at Work

These habits subconsciously keep you from being productive!

For engineers working in an office or mostly in front of a computer, when you render your daily hours, how much of it do you actually use for productive work?

That question may have some office engineers re-evaluate their work habits. While you’re at it, take note of these productivity busters you should no longer practice to have a more productive work day:

Impulsive web browsing.

Source: Giphy

Part of an engineers’ work in front of the computer is to leave a browser for whatever purpose it may serve. But when you get to click irrelevant links that sparked a curiosity or opened your Facebook account ‘just to check’ notifications, you will find yourself to have wasted quite a few hours already with it. It’s time to stop the mobile bug.

Doing everything manually, or using obsolete tools.

Source: Blogspot

Organizing matters about work has also gone digital. No need to stand up in your seat anymore if you want to communicate with your team to call a meeting or submit a report to your boss. You just need the right project management tools!


Source: Giphy

You can’t finish it all in one day, engineer. Productivity doesn’t mean that you are going to stress yourself in two days of the week and be lax with the remaining days. Productivity is supposed to be a habit of maximizing daily tasks. It takes patience to do that paired with strategy.

Not having a system.

Source: Giphy

Perhaps this is the worst kind of productivity buster there is. If you don’t have a system with your work, you tend to mess your desk and your computer. You forget deadlines too, and nobody wants that. You put your calculator anywhere, and finding it costs you a lot of time. You easily lose what you are supposed to do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Keep track of your tasks. Make a mantra. Organize.

Source: Project Manager

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4 Bad Habits of Engineers Which Kill Productivity at Work

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