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8 Reasons You Should Schedule An Electrical Inspection

If you observe burning smells, flickering lights, unusual sounds, or you are remodeling your house, schedule an electrical inspection to ensure safety.

According to a report by The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), 51,000 house fires occur in The United States because of electrical malfunctions. When all your home appliances and electronic devices are working properly do not think that it is unnecessary to inspect your electric system.

There is always room for precaution. Electrical malfunctions can occur at any time. There can also be external factors impacting it. For instance, due to Hurricane Laura, parts of Louisiana had to face long power outages. The power grid was also severely damaged.

You may not be able to control mother nature’s wrath, but you can keep your residence and business safe from untimely electric malfunctions and fire hazards. All you have to do is remain cautious and schedule timely electrical inspections.

What Is An Electrical Inspection?

Basically, electrical inspections are maintenance checks to make sure all the electrical wires and devices are working properly.

Electrical malfunctions like power overload or faulty circuit breakers can lead to house fires. Electrical inspections should be done more often during the winter since there are more occurrences of house fires during this season. This is mostly due to the increased number of electronic equipment and appliances used.

While yearly inspections can be done, there are, of course, some signs that necessitate calling in an inspection as soon as possible.

In this article, we are going to talk about all those reasons and more about when and why you should schedule an electrical inspection in Louisiana.

1. During The Winter

We advise you to schedule an electrical inspection during the winter because it is crucial. Temperatures usually drop below freezing levels in the northern part of Louisiana and other regions also face cold temperatures.

Since it will be cold, you would prefer your house to be nice and warm. Meaning the heaters will be on for a long time along with other appliances including the lights on your Christmas tree. If your appliances are outdated or depreciated then it can damage the electrical panel, outlet and even cause a house fire.

To prevent any uncertain hazards, schedule an electrical inspection as soon as possible at the beginning of winter. You can contact your local electrician such as Bates Electric to come to have a closer look and brief you about the current condition of your house and all the appliances.

After the inspection, the professional can provide advice about the current condition of the house, electronic appliances, and electric panels and even suggest upgrades.

2. Remember The Routine Inspections

Newer and more modern homeowners are in the safe zone and can have an inspection after ten years. However, people with old homes need to be more cautious and should schedule an inspection once every three years.

3. When You Change Your Property Or Your Property Goes Through A Change

Your newly bought or remodeled house may look perfect from the outside, but it is always a good idea to know about the condition behind the house.

Having an electrical inspection when buying a new house is quite mandatory, but if you remodel your house or repair any damage, you should schedule a post electrical inspection.

These were the more common reasons for calling in an inspection. But let’s take a look at some of the more urgent issues.

4. Burning Smell

A burning smell is never a good sign when it comes to cooking or any other activities. If you ever smell something burning near your electrical appliance, fuse box, switch or sockets then you need to call an electrician to take a close inspection around the house and find out the cause of the smell.

If you smell something burning, then do not ignore it, and if you think any of your electrical appliances are burning, then take precautions immediately

5. Flickering Lights

Lights flickering or dimming does not necessarily mean danger but indicates that the same circuit is used for another appliance at the same time. To make sure all your appliances are working and there is nothing to worry about, call in an electrician in Louisville, to check and find out the reasons for the dimming lights. They can also inspect your appliances and let you know if any upgrade is needed and besides briefing you about the power supply and its lifespan.

6. Faulty Circuit Breakers

The circuit breakers and fuses around your house are there to protect all your electrical appliances and everything that is plugged in. If these fuses and circuits are faulty then many appliances will be in danger. Faulty fuses are also one of the most common reasons for house fires.

7. Heated Sockets and Switches

Switches and sockets get warm over time. It is fine if they heat up steadily, but if you notice unexpected heat from switches or notice that the sockets are extremely hot, then turn off the main fuse or power outlet in your house first and contact professionals immediately.

8. Unusual Noises

Any unusual noise in your electrical devices or appliances should be checked, but it is especially worrying if the noise is coming from your circuit breaker or fuse.

This can indicate loose connections, irregular power surges, faulty wires, and plenty of other factors that you can only know if you call in an expert to have a thorough inspection.

What Does An Electrical Inspection Cover?

We have talked about when and why you should call in inspections, but what do the professionals look for?

Well here are the basic issues they look for when called in for an inspection:

Conditions of the circuits

They will check if your house has the appropriate number of circuits to meet the electrical demand and supply conditions.

AFCI & GFCI protection

These protections are needed if you have any appliances or outlets installed near water surfaces, outdoor, or below grade.

Electrical boxes

They will check to make sure the boxes are large enough to contain the wire conductors safely.

Aside from these, they also look for surge protection, the conditions of the cables and wires, cable anchoring, and wire labeling.

Final Thoughts

If you face any of the conditions we mentioned above, take proper precautions and contact the local electricians in Louisville for a complete electrical inspection immediately.

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8 Reasons You Should Schedule An Electrical Inspection

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