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What are the Best Engineering Essay Topics for Students?

It can be fun, having the chance to pick your own essay topic. Especially when it's an argumentative essay

Having the chance to pick your own essay topic can be fun, especially when it’s an argumentative essay. However, it can also be a headache.

You must be careful when selecting argumentative engineering essay topics for college classes, even when given free rein. This is true even for the best argumentative engineering essay topics. This can turn writing into a conundrum. “Should I write my essay on one of the controversial essay topics or not?” you might ask yourself. By the time you’ve concluded, you might be willing to turn to a free essay writer! But it doesn’t have to be so difficult. While certainly controversial, these topics are great ones to choose to work on.

Our Society

The most basic yet probably the most heatedly debated topic that you can choose to write about is society. As humans, we are defined by the society in which we live. Discussing the morals of that and how we should function is a great way to write an essay. More defined engineering essay topics that fall into this category include racism, sexism, religion, abortion, and much more. There are almost never-ending things to choose from.

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Family Dynamics

Family units are the backbone of the society mentioned above. These engineering essay topics usually relate to raising children, marriage, or other romantic relationships. This is particularly exciting since it is an area where we’re seeing many changes happening. Same-sex marriage, physical discipline, and child-rearing are some of the more common things being discussed.

Speaking about less controversial engineering essay topics, you can discuss the effects of reading on children versus television. It’s interesting, and most people will have a strong opinion on most of the issues above.

Law and Order

The law is another part of our society because it applies to everyone (or at least it should; that, too, could be an essay topic), it’s a hard-hitting topic. How do you feel about legalizing marijuana, for example? Many oppose it; many endorse it. There are more examples, but they’re usually precise and related to the country that you happen to live in. While it’s usually a good idea to pick a topic that relates to you, you could also choose something regarding another country. What laws do you support? What laws do you think should be done away with or re-examined?

Engineering Education and the Education System

If you’re being asked to write an essay, the chances are you’re a part of the education system. And that makes it the perfect topic to dwell on. What are some of the inequalities that it has? Ask yourself, “Should I be allowed to pay someone to write my essay? Is it fair for them to do it because I have money?” or “What do I think about standardized testing?” This is especially relevant because you know that it is a part of your life and those around you. Digging deeper into these controversies online through research will help.

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Biomedical Engineering, Biotech, Health and Medicine

Especially in the US, health is a very heated topic. Do you believe in the private healthcare industry or in health as a human right? Even outside the US, you’ll find there are debates about health constantly going. Addiction falls into this topic, opening up a wide range of options for an essay. Less well-known but still interesting engineering essay topics are those related to prisoners and the ethics of animal experimentation. Those can be interesting to research simply because most people don’t think about them daily. Read some books to learn what you think about the subject.

Construction Economics and Money

Economic systems for construction and civil engineering have been argued since they were invented. People worry about what is (or isn’t) in their pocketbooks and what might happen to the contents. Wars have been fought over different construction ideas. Socialism, communism, and capitalism are great essay topics, but nothing compared to civil engineering. You could also choose the construction economic downturns faced in history. The Great Depression, the Great Recession in 2008, and the economy of post-WWI Germany are examples of economies going bad, especially for the construction of properties, contractors’ contracts, civil engineering, and real estate going bust. What happened to cause these, and can we prevent them from happening again in the future? Do they all have a similar source, or is it different?

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Ol’ Faithful – Politics

Politics is all over the news nowadays: Whether it’s Donald Trump saying something, Theresa May stepping down, Vladimir Putin being tied to illegal activities, or Kim Jong Un making veiled (or not veiled) threats, you can’t escape it. But you can narrow it down more. Look at the foreign policy and military. What are your views on the wars that took place after the 9/11 attacks? What are your opinions on the draft in the United States? These engineering essay topics are plentiful but be warned that they can quickly become heated.

Finding the right essay topic isn’t always easy. You might want to choose something involving and controversial enough to elicit more than one opinion but also friendly enough not to start a brawl in the middle of the class. With these engineering essay topics, you’ll be able to find something that is perfect for you.

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What are the Best Engineering Essay Topics for Students?

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