Covid-19 Guidelines For Construction Workers
The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted major business operations across the world, and the construction industry is among the most affected by the global health crisis. Fortunately, with vaccine programs well underway in many countries, operations are starting to return to normal. However, returning to work does not mean to disregard COVID-19 precautions entirely, especially in the workplace. Here are some steps for construction workers and their employers to take to minimize the risk of exposure.
Covid-19 Guidelines For Construction Workers
- Inform your supervisor of any COVID-19 symptoms. If you are indeed infected, stay home and follow the national guidelines. Do not return to work unless you meet the criteria for discontinuing home isolation.
- Stay at least six feet away from your coworkers, especially in small workspaces like site elevators and trailers.
- Wear cloth face coverings, masks, or respirators in areas that require them.
- Regularly disinfect and clean shared tools and equipment, such as ladders, machines, handrails, and even portable toilets, every after shift or every use.
- Practice proper hand washing.
Covid-19 Guidelines For Construction Employers
- Actively encourage employees to stay at home when sick.
- Implement policies to allow minimum face-to-face contact for employees with high risk or let them telework when possible.
- Conduct toolbox talks on all job sites to provide employees with the protective measures you will put in place.
- Provide mobile hand washing stations or 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizers across the workplace, especially those close to portable restrooms.
- Implement and encourage social distancing guidelines to maintain at least six feet between workers whenever possible.
- Provide alternating workdays, extra shifts, or modified work schedule to minimize the people at a job site at any given time.
- Reduce people at meetings and worker orientations.
- Provide tissues and no-touch disposal receptacles for employees to use.
- Follow all applicable local, state, and national regulations and guidelines released by public health agencies.