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COVID-19 Impact on Power & Water Industry

Power and water demands significantly dropped due to government-mandated social distancing

COVID-19 Impact


People go about their everyday lives watching television, surfing the web, with their lights and air-conditioners turned on. In the same way, throughout the day, people drink fresh water, sometimes cook with fresh water, and take showers ever so often. While doing these activities, individuals rarely think about the industries behind these utilities and they thank them even less.

Truly, power and water are two industries that, while important to each country in the world, do not receive much thought or praise from their common users.


That is, until now, and during the coronavirus pandemic no less. Now more than ever, people are seeing the importance of the existence of these two industries and the utilities they provide on a global scale.

COVID-19 Impact: Demand

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the demand for residential power has risen. This is due to the working power industry continuously giving life to their homes and allowing people the ability to continue their electronic activities for home-based work and entertainment.

On the other hand, however, commercial power demands have dropped due to government-mandated social distancing and temporary cease of operations for nonessential businesses, education, and some other industrial facilities.

COVID-19 Impact: Water & Electricity

Water is also important, as medical professionals around the globe have unanimously agreed that hand washing is a primary weapon against the spread of COVID-19. To combat this disease, the traditional way of cleaning oneself with running water and soap for at least 20 seconds goes a long way. The demand for clean drinking water is also on the rise, as individuals are doing everything in their power to stay healthy in the midst of this pandemic.

That having been said, once the eventual creation of a vaccine for the coronavirus is made available to the countries of the world, and things return to the way they once were, the power and water must never again be used without giving them well-deserved appreciation.

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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

COVID-19 Impact on Power & Water Industry

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