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DIY: Charge your Mobile Phones Using a Fan

Electronics enthusiast YouTuber KipKay designed a do-it-yourself portable charging device for your phone which is powered by a small computer fan!


There are so many ways to charge your mobile phones, and here’s one you can use when you’re outdoors riding your bike! Electronics enthusiast YouTuber KipKay designed a DIY portable charging device for your phone which is powered by a small computer fan!

Source: KipKay

We often leave our chargers at home when we go outdoors, which means our mobile phones could run out of juice anytime of the day. Well, even if you do bring a charger, it’s a bit difficult to find a certain place to charge. If you’re the type of person who likes to travel the town using a bike, this do-it-yourself charging device is just for you.

Source: News Thrive

Fans are usually powered by motors that are made out of a wire wrapped many times around into a coil. As electricity passes through the coils, a magnetic field is created which converts electrical energy to mechanical energy—and this drives the motor. This can also work in reverse, if the motor is spun, the magnetic field creates an electric current which can be used to charge a phone!

When you strap this onto a bike, the wind would blow the fan which creates energy that can be used to charge your mobile phones! What’s great is that it can be done in under an hour and costs under US $10. Watch the video and try it out!

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DIY: Charge your Mobile Phones Using a Fan

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