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How Engineers Can Keep Learning at Work

Can't go to graduate school? You have other options.

One of the most effective ways to learn is through studying at school, even one is already employed – through graduate school. Because lifelong learning is already a key component of employability, more and more people want to sit inside classrooms again and be taught.

But who says that learning is exclusive inside the four corners of the classroom?

For engineers who do not have the luxury of time and money for graduate school, they have to find other ways to learn continually. Working in a full-time job plus obligations in the family and friends make it difficult to find time to hit the books.

There is no need to worry as there are options for you to choose from if you are an engineer, especially in a big company, who want to keep learning without having to enroll in graduate school:

Enroll in your company’s university

Now this option is only available for big companies like General Electric, Deloitte, Unilever, and 4,000 other companies who have invested in universities to train and develop employees. Such companies want to have exclusive career growth not only in the technical aspect but also in the leadership and management. There are different programs available depending on the company.

Take advantage of tuition reimbursement

There are also companies which offer tuition reimbursement for courses even outside of the company. It could be partial or full, the reimbursement could definitely help those engineers who are financially challenged. As long as the trainings and courses are aligned with the career path, some companies are generous towards employees who want to grow professionally.

Earn a MOOC Certificate

Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs are like virtual classrooms. You do not have to go physically to Harvard, MIT, and Georgetown University to have real classes because they are now available online. What’s more good news is that some of these classes are free, not requiring any payment. Engineers have wide options to choose from on the subject matter that they want to learn.

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Join a professional organization

Learning is not exclusive to books and classes like what we have already established. This is why it is also recommended for engineers to be involved in professional organizations, because not only does it expand your connections, you can also have access to educational materials and seminars.

Switch teams temporarily

If you have the option to exchange departments in your present company, that is also one way to learn new skills. Say if you are an engineer who is currently working in the field, try asking for your boss if you can be assigned in the office for the meantime. That way you will discover new things still related to your career.

Source: The Muse

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How Engineers Can Keep Learning at Work

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