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How To Find Out If You’re An Underpaid Engineer

Before you start contemplating if you should start looking for a higher-paying job, you should find out if you’re paid fairly for the work you do.

How To Find Out If You’re An Underpaid Engineer


In an ideal world, we’re all paid fairly with the work we do for the company we’re part of. We put in the time and effort and in return, we expect to get the right amount of money for our service. But have you ever thought that maybe you are just underpaid engineer with everything that you’re doing? Do you feel like you’re not getting the salary that you think you deserve?

Before you start complaining and contemplating if you should start looking for a higher-paying job, you should find out if you’re paid fairly for the work you do. According to a personal finance site, you should consider these questions first to find out if you truly are an underpaid engineer.


Did you learn a new skill recently?

Have you done anything to increase your skill set lately? Did you attend an on-the-job training, taken a new course to new responsibilities to improve or learn new skills? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, that makes you more valuable to your company and it should reflect in your paycheck.

If you want to ask for a raise to your boss, you may have to come up with ways you can suggest that will help the company save money or increase revenues with your new set skills.

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Do your colleagues get paid more for doing similar work?

It’s not really a conversation you want to have with the people you work with. However, if you can find a way to find out if they earn more for doing the same things that you would help you assess salary matters. If someone does earn higher with the same work that you have, do not demand your boss to increase your salary. It is better if you come up with a rationale on why you need a raise.

How much do people in other companies earn for doing the job that you have?

Ask around and you can find out if how much others are earning for the same amount of work that you do. If you think that your salary is too low for you, you may even consider looking at ads and find one that suits you.

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Some people get some job offers from other companies to use it for salary negotiations with their current jobs.

How much do newly-hired people earn in your company for doing jobs similar to yours?

Consider how long you’ve been staying at the company and the type of jobs given to you at work. Now, when your employer offers an open position to other people, check their job description and their salary range. Once you get an idea whether you are paid fairly or not, it’s a good opportunity to discuss it with your boss.


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Engr. Amal Grover
A chemical engineer at Tata Chemicals. Indiana Institute of Technology alumni. Blogging about cool stuff. Follow me on Facebook

How To Find Out If You’re An Underpaid Engineer

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