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Here’s the Facebook Employees Salary Survey

Just How Much do Facebook Employees Earn?

Ever dreamed of working at Facebook? Here’s the Facebook Employees Salary Survey.

Most engineers who want to work in the computer or software engineering field would want to work at Facebook, after all it seems like an awesome place to work at. Here’s an idea of how much you can expect to earn if you work for them.

Facebook Employees Salary Survey (Source: Glassdoor)

Engineering manager

Salary: $166,561

The engineering managers are the team leaders who manage a specific group of people who are working on a specific product. To be able to get this position you should not only know how to code, but have good leadership skills as well.

Senior software engineer

Salary: $160,638

When you have proven yourself to Facebook, and they know you’re good at what you do, you could climb up the career ladder and become a senior software engineer.

Product manager

Salary: $147,469

These people collect outputs from different teams and incorporate all the products together.

Database Engineer

Salary: $141,635

These engineers focus on dealing with massively large amount of data, and constantly keep track of their highly complex databases.

Research Scientist

Salary: $137,134

The research scientists are Facebook’s analytics, they use data analysis to tell what’s working and what’s not.

Production Engineer

Salary: $134,775

Product engineers ensure that their products are working properly, and whether they can be updated or improved.

Product designer

Salary: $133,810

Product designers need to have experience in app building and front-end programming. However, they say the most important designs still come from Zuckerberg himself.

Software Engineer

Salary: $125,515

These engineers are one of the most vital employees of the company. They make sure everything runs smoothly and new developments are implemented immediately.

Software engineering intern

Salary: $77,544

Are you graduating soon and are looking for placements? Facebook is a good option, especially if you see the salary rates.

Account Executive

Salary: $62,617

Account Executives run the advertising of Facebook and all other business-related events.

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Here’s the Facebook Employees Salary Survey

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