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Reasons Why People Admire Elon Musk

There’s more to Elon Musk than being a business magnate, engineer, and investor.

In a world where technology and innovation are highlighted to provide better means to live, there is a business magnate, engineer, and investor named Elon Musk. One of the global leaders in pushing what seems to be impossible as possible through science and engineering, Elon Musk always hits the headlines as the guy from Tesla Motors delivering the hottest news about electric cars, or as the guy who giving updates with the ingenious SpaceX and Hyperloop. He also has something to do with PayPal, SolarCity and OpenAI.

Because of these great contributions of Elon, he is regarded as the most relevant personality among space nuts, business freaks, clean tech lovers, electric car enthusiasts, and coding nerds, among others. But there’s more to Elon than his wide variety of innovation fields that he is admired for – he appears at the front of the pack of innovation masterminds because of the person that he is.

Source: Quartz

It doesn’t take so much of psychology and personality assessment to realize the main reason why Elon is well-loved by people is because he is human – unlike others who feel superior in a crowd, Elon speaking in front of an audience feels like he is just talking with a friend, even when he is already delivering a speech full of tech jargons. The way he answers questions is so real, that his level of engagement is unparalleled.

Source: Giphy

The moment he is thrown with a question, he speaks with dignity not only with his mouth but also with his inquisitive and searching eyes. Elon may be interrupting himself at times but only to make his piece a more understandable context to the audience. Ultimately, his greatest asset is to make big dreams be a believable reality to his audience. There are lots of videos evident to this trait of Elon, and a YouTube page featuring every Elon Musk video there is provides us just that.

Musk also possesses a characteristic that appears to be he is “one of us.” His nearly “untouchable” status doesn’t prevent him to talk to nearly everyone in the same way. It is safe to say that he is just a normal guy who acts like us, only with billions more than we have and a mind addicted to innovation.

Source: Slate

More than a guy having a public speaking command is a guy who cares a lot about humanity. His dedication and commitment towards helping society proves so, through Tesla Motors which produces environmentally friendly electric cars; through SpaceX which will provide sooner or later an unprecedented transportation system that will benefit generations; and through SolarCity which gives clean, abundant, and socioeconomically decentralized source of electricity generation.

Source: Reuters

All these and more are enough reasons to admire our real-life Iron Man. With the magazine covers he is in, the media companies parading his name, his special television appearances, his fans are deeply reminded of how great Elon Musk is. There is no shame to be called an Elon fan boy or a fan girl, because Elon Musk’s accomplishments and himself are indeed worth celebrating.

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Reasons Why People Admire Elon Musk

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