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5 Ways for Farm Workers to Stay Safe Around Agricultural Equipment

Large-scale farming can be a dangerous profession due to the agricultural equipment used

Farming is a noble profession and one of the oldest in history. Without farmers, there would be no widespread access to staple foods such as eggs, chicken, and milk. Much of the food that we depend on to nourish and sustain us as human beings would simply not be available, at least not readily available. However, farming, and especially large-scale farming, can be a dangerous profession due to the heavy equipment used in the industry. Still, there are ways to keep yourself and others safe if you work as a farmer. Here are five things you’ll want to keep in mind.

Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

Being aware of your surroundings might seem obvious when you’re operating heavy equipment or working in an environment where heaving machinery is being operated around you. But you’d be surprised by the number of people who simply zone out, oblivious to everything around them when they’re working.

Farming is one of the most dangerous professions there is. In fact, it’s estimated that about 30 percent of farmers sustain injuries every year. And that injury rate is much higher than in other professions. Clearly, not paying attention is a safety issue. Being aware of what’s going on around you can help keep you and others safe from injury.

Know Your Machinery

Another way to stay safe around agricultural equipment is to know the machinery you’re operating. This means knowing not only the capabilities of your machinery but also its limitations. You should also be aware of the safety precautions to take and the functions of all safety mechanisms on the agricultural equipment you’re operating.

The operational aspects of some machinery, such as tractors, are more straightforward than those of others, but there may be safety issues that need to be addressed. For example, tipping and rollovers are common tractor accidents, but proper training on how to use the machinery and tractor safety features can reduce mishaps.

Work in Good Lighting

Farming is one of those professions where the workers often find themselves working outdoors. Of course, this means that the sun will serve as their light source during the day. When it’s required to work after the sun goes down, it’s important to use good lighting sources to prevent injury.

It’s not unusual for some agriculture workers to work after the sun goes down because it’s cooler in the evenings. In the summertime, high temperatures can actually impede working safely outside. When working outdoors after dark, taking extra care of your surroundings and any machinery you may be operating for safety’s sake is important.

Be Aware of Dangerous Implements

Many farming implements can be dangerous and even deadly if not used properly or carelessly. These implements include hay balers, bush hogs, and grain bins. Children and other people who might not be familiar with this agricultural equipment should be warned about the dangers and stay clear. Family farms, in particular, should take care of such issues.

Implements and equipment should also be maintained. Improperly maintained equipment could lead to malfunctioning and injury, and a poorly maintained implement could be just as dangerous as one used incorrectly.

Use Personal Protection

Noise can be constant in farming, and long-term exposure to loud machinery and agricultural equipment can damage hearing. For this reason, heavy equipment operators should wear hearing protection when necessary. Operators should also avoid wearing loose clothing when operating machinery to prevent entanglement with equipment.

Farmers often aren’t given the credit they deserve, but they’re actually an indispensable link in the food chain. Without farmers, there wouldn’t be food on most of our tables. Because farmers are so vital, it’s important that they stay safe by paying attention to their surroundings, knowing their machinery, working in adequate lighting after dark, and being educated about dangerous implements and personal protection. Farm work can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be unsafe if the proper precautions are taken.

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5 Ways for Farm Workers to Stay Safe Around Agricultural Equipment

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