You’re not really an engineering student if you have never fiddled with several of your scientific calculators. By fiddle, I mean write the craziest stuff you can write using its digital screen, inverted or not.
Perhaps these numbers being read as text can even be used as a communication tool during tests. Regardless, it’s fun.
There are different buttons in a scientific calculator that serve various functions. Apart from the numbers, there are the constants, the trigonometry functions, and the logarithms, among others. They are there to perform calculations (duh!) but they can more than just that. They can be used to represent letters for no reason at all but to waste time when boredom strikes.
Do not expect though that the English alphabet can be found in your scientific calculators. It actually depends on which one you own. But you know, engineers have topnotch creativity and find the most bizarre ways to spell words in a calculator screen.
Here are examples:
I See Legs
Go to Hell
Try spelling these out on your calculator:
Hell, She, Is, Leo, Hello, Less, Bob, Sell, Oil, Shell
Boss, Sob, Bose, So, See, Soil, Sill, Oh, Boil
Bio, Hobo, Hole, Ill, Loss, Lee, Lose, Go, Boobless
Boob, Shoe, Go2hell, Less, Sheesh, Ohio, Loose
Hog, Biggie, Bee, Bell, Lesses, Obesehog, Bibo
Goggles, Goolies, Biggles, Boobies, Hellhole, Leslie
Egg, His, Hobble, Bible, Hi, Boobs, Ellie, Hoe, Die
Lollies, Shell.oil, Goose, Gesse, Gobble(s), Hollies, Giggle
Or try performing these to get a word upside down:
22032 ÷ 4
57171 – 63
83765 – 25687
77.34 ÷ 100
(378 x10000) + 1637
609 x 5
530700 ÷ 15
6427 x 5
770 x 4
10611625 ÷ 23
37816048 +125
5350130 + 5248
43312 – 5236
32664 + 2342
1615 x 5
Here’s the complete words that you can write on your calculator
Word | Number |
bee | 338 |
bees | 5338 |
beg | 638 |
begs | 5638 |
beige | 36138 |
belie | 31738 |
belies | 531738 |
bell | 7738 |
belle | 37738 |
belles | 537738 |
bellies | 5317738 |
bells | 57738 |
besiege | 3631538 |
besieges | 53631538 |
bib | 818 |
bible | 37818 |
bibles | 537818 |
bibs | 5818 |
big | 618 |
bile | 3718 |
bilge | 36718 |
bilges | 536718 |
bill | 7718 |
billies | 5317718 |
bills | 57718 |
bless | 55378 |
blesses | 5355378 |
bliss | 55178 |
blisses | 5355178 |
blob | 8078 |
blobs | 58078 |
bob | 808 |
bobbies | 5318808 |
bobble | 378808 |
bobbles | 5378808 |
bobs | 5808 |
bog | 608 |
boggle | 376608 |
boggles | 5376608 |
bogie | 31608 |
bogies | 531608 |
bogs | 5608 |
boil | 7108 |
boils | 57108 |
bole | 3708 |
boles | 53708 |
boll | 7708 |
bolls | 57708 |
boob | 8008 |
boobies | 5318008 |
boobless | 55318008 |
boobs | 58008 |
boogie | 316008 |
boogies | 5316008 |
boos | 5008 |
booze | 32008 |
boozes | 532008 |
bosh | 4508 |
boss | 5508 |
bosses | 535508 |
bozo | 0.208 |
bozos | 50208 |
ebb | 883 |
ebbs | 5883 |
eel | 733 |
eels | 5733 |
egg | 663 |
eggs | 5663 |
eggshell | 77345663 |
eggshells | 5.77E+08 |
ego | 0.63 |
egos | 5063 |
elegies | 5316373 |
eligible | 37816173 |
ell | 773 |
ells | 5773 |
else | 3573 |
gee | 336 |
gees | 5336 |
geese | 35336 |
gel | 736 |
gels | 5736 |
geologies | 5.32E+08 |
gibe | 3816 |
gibes | 53816 |
gig | 616 |
giggle | 376616 |
giggles | 5376616 |
gigolo | 0.70616 |
gigolos | 5070616 |
gigs | 5616 |
gill | 7716 |
gills | 57716 |
glee | 3376 |
glib | 8176 |
glob | 8076 |
globe | 38076 |
globes | 538076 |
globs | 58076 |
gloss | 55076 |
glosses | 5355076 |
glossies | 53155076 |
gob | 806 |
gobble | 378806 |
gobbles | 5378806 |
gobs | 5806 |
goes | 5306 |
goggle | 376606 |
goggles | 5376606 |
gollies | 5317706 |
goose | 35006 |
gooses | 535006 |
gos | 506 |
gosh | 4506 |
goshes | 534506 |
heel | 7334 |
heels | 57334 |
hell | 7734 |
hellish | 4517734 |
hello | 0.7734 |
hellos | 507734 |
hells | 57734 |
hes | 534 |
hie | 314 |
hies | 5314 |
high | 4614 |
highs | 54614 |
hill | 7714 |
hillbillies | 5.32E+10 |
hills | 57714 |
his | 514 |
hiss | 5514 |
hisses | 535514 |
hob | 804 |
hobbies | 5318804 |
hobble | 378804 |
hobbles | 5378804 |
hobo | 0.804 |
hoboes | 530804 |
hobos | 50804 |
hobs | 5804 |
hoe | 304 |
hoes | 5304 |
hog | 604 |
hoggish | 4516604 |
hogs | 5604 |
hole | 3704 |
holes | 53704 |
hollies | 5317704 |
hose | 3504 |
hoses | 53504 |
ibis | 5181 |
ibises | 535181 |
igloos | 500761 |
ill | 771 |
illegible | 3.78E+08 |
ills | 5771 |
isle | 3751 |
isles | 53751 |
lee | 337 |
lees | 5337 |
leg | 637 |
legible | 3781637 |
legless | 5537637 |
legs | 5637 |
lei | 137 |
leis | 5137 |
les | 537 |
less | 5537 |
lessee | 335537 |
lessees | 5335537 |
lib | 817 |
libel | 73817 |
libels | 573817 |
libs | 5817 |
lie | 317 |
liege | 36317 |
lieges | 536317 |
lies | 5317 |
lilies | 531717 |
lisle | 37517 |
lob | 807 |
lobbies | 5318807 |
lobe | 3807 |
lobes | 53807 |
lobs | 5807 |
log | 607 |
loge | 3607 |
loges | 53607 |
logo | 0.607 |
logos | 50607 |
logs | 5607 |
loll | 7707 |
lolls | 57707 |
loose | 35007 |
looses | 535007 |
lose | 3507 |
loses | 53507 |
loss | 5507 |
losses | 535507 |
obese | 35380 |
oblige | 361780 |
obliges | 5361780 |
oboe | 3080 |
oboes | 53080 |
obsess | 553580 |
obsesses | 53553580 |
ogle | 3760 |
ogles | 53760 |
oho | 0.4 |
ohos | 5040 |
ohs | 540 |
oil | 710 |
oils | 5710 |
oleo | 0.37 |
ooze | 3200 |
oozes | 53200 |
see | 335 |
sees | 5335 |
seize | 32135 |
seizes | 532135 |
sell | 7735 |
sells | 57735 |
she | 345 |
shell | 77345 |
shells | 577345 |
shes | 5345 |
shies | 53145 |
shill | 77145 |
shills | 577145 |
shoe | 3045 |
shoes | 53045 |
shoos | 50045 |
siege | 36315 |
sieges | 536315 |
sigh | 4615 |
sighs | 54615 |
sill | 7715 |
sillies | 5317715 |
sills | 57715 |
silo | 0.715 |
silos | 50715 |
sis | 515 |
sises | 53515 |
sisses | 535515 |
sissies | 5315515 |
size | 3215 |
sizes | 53215 |
sizzle | 372215 |
sizzles | 5372215 |
sleigh | 461375 |
sleighs | 5461375 |
slob | 8075 |
slobs | 58075 |
sloe | 3075 |
sloes | 53075 |
slog | 6075 |
slogs | 56075 |
slosh | 45075 |
sloshes | 5345075 |
sob | 805 |
sobs | 5805 |
soil | 7105 |
soils | 57105 |
sol | 705 |
sole | 3705 |
soles | 53705 |
soli | 1705 |
solo | 0.705 |
solos | 50705 |
sols | 5705 |
zoos | 5002 |
Beebe | 38338 |
Belize | 321738 |
Bell | 7738 |
Bess | 5538 |
Bessel | 735538 |
Bessie | 315538 |
Bib | 818 |
Bible | 37818 |
Bibles | 537818 |
Bilbo | 0.8718 |
Bill | 7718 |
Billie | 317718 |
Bligh | 46178 |
Bob | 808 |
Bobbi | 18808 |
Bobbie | 318808 |
Boise | 35108 |
Boole | 37008 |
Bose | 3508 |
Elbe | 3873 |
Eli | 173 |
Elise | 35173 |
Eliseo | 0.35173 |
Ellie | 31773 |
Ellis | 51773 |
Eloise | 351073 |
Elsie | 31573 |
Essie | 31553 |
Geo | 0.36 |
Gibbs | 58816 |
Gil | 716 |
Giles | 53716 |
Gill | 7716 |
Gish | 4516 |
Gobi | 1806 |
Goebbels | 57388306 |
Gog | 606 |
Gogol | 70606 |
376006 | |
HBO | 0.84 |
Hebe | 3834 |
Hegel | 73634 |
Helios | 501734 |
Hess | 5534 |
Hesse | 35534 |
Hill | 7714 |
Hillel | 737714 |
Hiss | 5514 |
Hobbes | 538804 |
Hobbs | 58804 |
Hollie | 317704 |
Hollis | 517704 |
Ibo | 0.81 |
Ill | 771 |
Isis | 5151 |
Lee | 337 |
Lego | 0.637 |
Leigh | 46137 |
Leo | 0.37 |
Leos | 5037 |
Les | 537 |
Leslie | 317537 |
Lessie | 315537 |
Lie | 317 |
Liege | 36317 |
Lille | 37717 |
Lillie | 317717 |
Liz | 217 |
Lizzie | 312217 |
Lois | 5107 |
Ohio | 0.14 |
Oise | 3510 |
Ollie | 31770 |
Oslo | 0.75 |
Ozzie | 31220 |
Sheol | 70345 |
Shiloh | 407145 |
Soho | 0.405 |
Sol | 705 |
Solis | 51705 |
Zelig | 61732 |
Zibo | 0.812 |
Zoe | 302 |
Do you know more words or phrases that can be spelled in the calculator?
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