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What Words Can You Write on Your Calculator?

You’re not really an engineering student if you have never fiddled with your own calculator




You’re not really an engineering student if you have never fiddled with several of your scientific calculators. By fiddle, I mean write the craziest stuff you can write using its digital screen, inverted or not.

Perhaps these numbers being read as text can even be used as a communication tool during tests. Regardless, it’s fun.

There are different buttons in a scientific calculator that serve various functions. Apart from the numbers, there are the constants, the trigonometry functions, and the logarithms, among others. They are there to perform calculations (duh!) but they can more than just that. They can be used to represent letters for no reason at all but to waste time when boredom strikes.

Do not expect though that the English alphabet can be found in your scientific calculators. It actually depends on which one you own. But you know, engineers have topnotch creativity and find the most bizarre ways to spell words in a calculator screen.

Here are examples:

I See Legs

I See Legs (source: The Guardian)
I See Legs (source: The Guardian)

Go to Hell

Go to hell (Source: Business Insider)


Boobies (Source: gabbyboucher12)
Boobies (Source: gabbyboucher12)


Loose (Source: Slicetruck)
Loose (Source: Slicetruck)


Illegible (Source: Latteier)

Try spelling these out on your calculator:

Hell, She, Is, Leo, Hello, Less, Bob, Sell, Oil, Shell
Boss, Sob, Bose, So, See, Soil, Sill, Oh, Boil
Bio, Hobo, Hole, Ill, Loss, Lee, Lose, Go, Boobless
Boob, Shoe, Go2hell, Less, Sheesh, Ohio, Loose
Hog, Biggie, Bee, Bell, Lesses, Obesehog, Bibo
Goggles, Goolies, Biggles, Boobies, Hellhole, Leslie
Egg, His, Hobble, Bible, Hi, Boobs, Ellie, Hoe, Die
Lollies, Shell.oil, Goose, Gesse, Gobble(s), Hollies, Giggle

Or try performing these to get a word upside down:

22032 ÷ 4
57171 – 63
83765 – 25687
77.34 ÷ 100
(378 x10000) + 1637
609 x 5
530700 ÷ 15
6427 x 5
770 x 4
10611625 ÷ 23
37816048 +125
5350130 + 5248
43312 – 5236
32664 +  2342
1615 x 5

Here’s the complete words that you can write on your calculator

Word Number
bee 338
bees 5338
beg 638
begs 5638
beige 36138
belie 31738
belies 531738
bell 7738
belle 37738
belles 537738
bellies 5317738
bells 57738
besiege 3631538
besieges 53631538
bib 818
bible 37818
bibles 537818
bibs 5818
big 618
bile 3718
bilge 36718
bilges 536718
bill 7718
billies 5317718
bills 57718
bless 55378
blesses 5355378
bliss 55178
blisses 5355178
blob 8078
blobs 58078
bob 808
bobbies 5318808
bobble 378808
bobbles 5378808
bobs 5808
bog 608
boggle 376608
boggles 5376608
bogie 31608
bogies 531608
bogs 5608
boil 7108
boils 57108
bole 3708
boles 53708
boll 7708
bolls 57708
boob 8008
boobies 5318008
boobless 55318008
boobs 58008
boogie 316008
boogies 5316008
boos 5008
booze 32008
boozes 532008
bosh 4508
boss 5508
bosses 535508
bozo 0.208
bozos 50208
ebb 883
ebbs 5883
eel 733
eels 5733
egg 663
eggs 5663
eggshell 77345663
eggshells 5.77E+08
ego 0.63
egos 5063
elegies 5316373
eligible 37816173
ell 773
ells 5773
else 3573
gee 336
gees 5336
geese 35336
gel 736
gels 5736
geologies 5.32E+08
gibe 3816
gibes 53816
gig 616
giggle 376616
giggles 5376616
gigolo 0.70616
gigolos 5070616
gigs 5616
gill 7716
gills 57716
glee 3376
glib 8176
glob 8076
globe 38076
globes 538076
globs 58076
gloss 55076
glosses 5355076
glossies 53155076
gob 806
gobble 378806
gobbles 5378806
gobs 5806
goes 5306
goggle 376606
goggles 5376606
gollies 5317706
goose 35006
gooses 535006
gos 506
gosh 4506
goshes 534506
heel 7334
heels 57334
hell 7734
hellish 4517734
hello 0.7734
hellos 507734
hells 57734
hes 534
hie 314
hies 5314
high 4614
highs 54614
hill 7714
hillbillies 5.32E+10
hills 57714
his 514
hiss 5514
hisses 535514
hob 804
hobbies 5318804
hobble 378804
hobbles 5378804
hobo 0.804
hoboes 530804
hobos 50804
hobs 5804
hoe 304
hoes 5304
hog 604
hoggish 4516604
hogs 5604
hole 3704
holes 53704
hollies 5317704
hose 3504
hoses 53504
ibis 5181
ibises 535181
igloos 500761
ill 771
illegible 3.78E+08
ills 5771
isle 3751
isles 53751
lee 337
lees 5337
leg 637
legible 3781637
legless 5537637
legs 5637
lei 137
leis 5137
les 537
less 5537
lessee 335537
lessees 5335537
lib 817
libel 73817
libels 573817
libs 5817
lie 317
liege 36317
lieges 536317
lies 5317
lilies 531717
lisle 37517
lob 807
lobbies 5318807
lobe 3807
lobes 53807
lobs 5807
log 607
loge 3607
loges 53607
logo 0.607
logos 50607
logs 5607
loll 7707
lolls 57707
loose 35007
looses 535007
lose 3507
loses 53507
loss 5507
losses 535507
obese 35380
oblige 361780
obliges 5361780
oboe 3080
oboes 53080
obsess 553580
obsesses 53553580
ogle 3760
ogles 53760
oho 0.4
ohos 5040
ohs 540
oil 710
oils 5710
oleo 0.37
ooze 3200
oozes 53200
see 335
sees 5335
seize 32135
seizes 532135
sell 7735
sells 57735
she 345
shell 77345
shells 577345
shes 5345
shies 53145
shill 77145
shills 577145
shoe 3045
shoes 53045
shoos 50045
siege 36315
sieges 536315
sigh 4615
sighs 54615
sill 7715
sillies 5317715
sills 57715
silo 0.715
silos 50715
sis 515
sises 53515
sisses 535515
sissies 5315515
size 3215
sizes 53215
sizzle 372215
sizzles 5372215
sleigh 461375
sleighs 5461375
slob 8075
slobs 58075
sloe 3075
sloes 53075
slog 6075
slogs 56075
slosh 45075
sloshes 5345075
sob 805
sobs 5805
soil 7105
soils 57105
sol 705
sole 3705
soles 53705
soli 1705
solo 0.705
solos 50705
sols 5705
zoos 5002
Beebe 38338
Belize 321738
Bell 7738
Bess 5538
Bessel 735538
Bessie 315538
Bib 818
Bible 37818
Bibles 537818
Bilbo 0.8718
Bill 7718
Billie 317718
Bligh 46178
Bob 808
Bobbi 18808
Bobbie 318808
Boise 35108
Boole 37008
Bose 3508
Elbe 3873
Eli 173
Elise 35173
Eliseo 0.35173
Ellie 31773
Ellis 51773
Eloise 351073
Elsie 31573
Essie 31553
Geo 0.36
Gibbs 58816
Gil 716
Giles 53716
Gill 7716
Gish 4516
Gobi 1806
Goebbels 57388306
Gog 606
Gogol 70606
Google 376006
HBO 0.84
Hebe 3834
Hegel 73634
Helios 501734
Hess 5534
Hesse 35534
Hill 7714
Hillel 737714
Hiss 5514
Hobbes 538804
Hobbs 58804
Hollie 317704
Hollis 517704
Ibo 0.81
Ill 771
Isis 5151
Lee 337
Lego 0.637
Leigh 46137
Leo 0.37
Leos 5037
Les 537
Leslie 317537
Lessie 315537
Lie 317
Liege 36317
Lille 37717
Lillie 317717
Liz 217
Lizzie 312217
Lois 5107
Ohio 0.14
Oise 3510
Ollie 31770
Oslo 0.75
Ozzie 31220
Sheol 70345
Shiloh 407145
Soho 0.405
Sol 705
Solis 51705
Zelig 61732
Zibo 0.812
Zoe 302

Do you know more words or phrases that can be spelled in the calculator?

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Engr. Frank Taylor
Australian living in sunny Dubai. Chemical engineer, writer, blogger and social good enthusiast. I'm on Twitter @FrankTaylor90

What Words Can You Write on Your Calculator?

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