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TROX Air is Life Competition Shows Us The Art of Handling Air

These leaders of tomorrow were asked to turn their ideas into beautiful 3D renditions, using state-of-the-art TROX diffusers embedded into the art work.

95% of our time in the UAE is spent breathing artificially purified air. One in 5 children in the gcc suffer from respiratory diseases. While a person could survive days without food, only a few minutes without oxygen can be fatal. No one would think to drink solid water if given a chance, at the same time, people are largely unaware of the air they breath. At TROX, we specialize in the art of handling air.

Air is life – through the competition we sparked this thought with the leaders of tomorrow, and asked them to turn their ideas into 3D renditions, using state-of-the-art TROX diffusers embedded into the art work.




Most companies try a top down approach and look at promoting their ideas to immediate customers and potential decision makers. TROX went a step further and  decided to target students who would be in charge of designing the projects of tomorrow. We wanted to instill in them the need for good air quality.

Stepping back, the Air is Life competition is part of a much larger and broader initiative which is called XsmartAir. The purpose of this initiative is to raise awareness in the UAE about the low quality of air that is widely accepted and present here. XsmartAir till earlier was targeting clients, consultants and even the government and this is the first time we have decided to look beyond the present and to the future.


Winner: Alchemy by Julie Blondeel


Winner: The Blooming Diffuser by Farah Hanbali







The completion started with multiple entries which then by a board of highly-respected Jury members from the academia and industry chose the top 15. The top 15 then created their concept art into visual designs on the TROX airnamic diffuser and presented it to an audience and the Jury. The winner of the awards will be flown to Germany to visit the TROX facilities and partner universities. The purpose of the visit is so that the,y as designers, can appreciate and see the amount of research and development that goes into designing our products.

This article is sponsored by TROX Middle East.



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TROX Air is Life Competition Shows Us The Art of Handling Air

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