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The World’s Smallest Programmable Robot

A lot of people find spiders gross and scary. This robot on the other hand, could be the cutest little robot you’ll ever see.

Smallest Programmable Robot

Xpider, The World’s Smallest Programmable Robot.

A lot of people find spiders gross and scary. This robot on the other hand, could be the cutest little robot you’ll ever see.

Source: 3D Printing Technology

Meet Xpider, the world’s smallest programmable spider robot. This adorable robot was made by Roboeve. Xpider is 85 mm tall and weighs only 150 grams. It is powered by an Intel Edison board, and it is capable of facial recognition, obstacle avoidance and smartphone control. It can also be trained using a simple neural network, or could be set on roaming mode so you can watch it scuttle across the floor.

Source: YouTube, wang cara

The company now has created 26 different 3D printable designs with 40 parts each, which results in over 500 unique printable designs. Each have been tried, tested and improved over 1,800 hours of research and development. Binbin the project founder and prototype engineer worked together with his team and created Xpider in 8 months. The team is composed of a group of 6 robotic engineers and industrial designers just graduating from college.

Source: 3ders

Smallest Programmable Robot manufacturer in China, Smallest Programmable Robot manufacturer in Philippines, Smallest Programmable Robot manufacturer in India, 

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The World’s Smallest Programmable Robot

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