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4 Areas of Your Business You Should Outsource in 2020

Here are the 4 areas of your Business you should outsource in 2020

2020 is one of the most interesting years yet for business, technology, and engineering. As we all know, running a business is incredibly difficult, but thanks to advancements in tech and software, it is becoming much easier.

One of the most useful advancements for business has been the improved ability to outsource many tasks, thanks to better forms of communication and the ability to send money around the world quickly and safely.

This has allowed many businesses to go online and find the best freelancer or organization for individual projects or ongoing tasks they do not want to complete in-house. This frees up a company’s employees and allows them to work on more important aspects of their role. It also saves a business a lot of money in the long run.

Here are the 4 areas of your business you should outsource in 2020.

1. Content Marketing

Marketing was one of the first areas of a business to be outsourced with many freelance designers or small creative agencies working solely online. Now, all aspects of marketing can be outsourced with ease. This can include anything from design, copywriting, strategy, SEO, advertising, and content creation.

Marketing is essential to any business that wants to succeed in 2020. Businesses must develop their brand, build a rapport with their customers, and market their latest products/services in the best way possible. Without a solid marketing plan, over 35% of businesses fail.

A modern business can not deny the importance of marketing. However, the internet is now making it easier than ever to go online and find the perfect marketing freelancers and agencies with the click of a button. If you need a specific project completed, like web design, you can find a professional freelancer with tons of proven experience on Fiverr at a decent rate. Those needing a full marketing solution can find a digital marketing agency that can manage everything you need, from brand awareness to email campaigns, all via Skype and email.

This flexibility allows a business to save significant amounts of money from its marketing budget without sacrificing quality in its marketing performance.

2. IT Services


The days of implementing large and expensive in-house IT departments are over. Now, with the help of the improved connectivity of people via the Internet, all your IT support needs can be handled by an external IT solutions company.

This has many benefits for a business. First, it saves the business a small fortune that would usually be spent on paying many IT staff in-house. Second, your IT team can now spend their precious time on helping to build your business through innovative new hardware and software solutions. Finally, your business saves tons of time, which would otherwise be spent dealing with IT issues in-house, freeing up everyone to concentrate on their work and avoiding any implications between in-house staff.

Now, full IT support can be had at the click of a button or a simple phone call. IT support companies usually offer 24/7 support for your staff using the best-trained IT personnel who all boast the latest IT certifications and training. No more hefty expenses or time lost when you need to re-train your in-house IT support.

3. Accounts

Not all businesses need a full accounting department, especially small businesses. Outsourcing your accounting needs has a myriad of benefits for business owners and their teams. Let’s face it: Most of us don’t enjoy the task of accounting, as it takes up so much of our time and induces so much stress among team members.

So, why not outsource your accounting needs to a freelancer or accounting firm? Let them handle all the stress and pain of balancing the books or tracking expenses so that you and your team can focus on your roles. Outsourcing your accounts saves you money and eliminates the need to hire full-time accountants who are not needed on a 9-5 basis. You can use your outsourced accounts team only as and when you need them and only pay them for that time.

You can also help reduce fraud by hiring a CFO who is trained to investigate any unusual activity. As a small business, you usually wouldn’t be able to hire a full-time CFO, but when you outsource, you can hire a part-time CFO to watch out for unusual activity.

Finally, when you hire a specialized accounting firm, you are hiring a team of experts in their field. You aren’t required to train them or pay for the latest certifications. This is all handled by a third-party accounting firm. This saves you money and time and ensures you are always getting the best accounting service possible.

4. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a relatively new concept that has been taking off around the world. Rather than hiring a full-time in-house assistant, you can now hire an expert virtual assistant who works remotely and only works the hours required to complete your tasks—almost like a pay-as-you-go assistant. This saves money and time and ensures you are getting a great assistant.

With modern technology, it’s simple for a virtual assistant to stay on top of your every need. They can communicate through messenger services, emails, Skype, Slack, Teamwork, or whatever system you prefer. Your virtual assistant can also complete scheduling, bookings, meetings, data input, and more from a remote desk.

Having a virtual assistant or more in different time zones can also help you offer your clients a 24/7 service, making your business always open and ready to take new orders, information, meetings, and invitations. You can also scale your assistant needs up and down as necessary with no contracts or commitments.

The biggest benefit of having virtual assistants is that they allow you to create a better work-life balance. You no longer need to always be available when you’re armed with a number of competent virtual assistants who can handle everything for you while you spend time with your family or enjoy a round of golf.

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4 Areas of Your Business You Should Outsource in 2020

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