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Autonomous Manufacturing Vehicles Are The Next Big Thing

Autonomous driving breaks away from just cars into the factory and storage industries.

If you’ve been on the web for the past few months, you’ll have noticed the major bombardment of autonomous vehicle news. What you haven’t heard, however, is that this technology has been revved over to factories, warehouses, and distribution centers. That is what a tech firm from Ontario has just got funded on. 30 million USD has been funded to the company in a Series B venture funding round.

Source: Clearpath 

Source: Clearpath 

Clearpath Robotics have made a self-driving system for factory vehicles to transport pallets from point to point in large storage-related facilities. This is very different from the technology that Tesla and Google have been creating and developing over the span of 2016. Their OTTO robots that use the tech is powered by LiDAR sensors, which are also very common with autonomous vehicles today. What’s cool about this is that if OTTO runs out of fuel, its programming drives it back to its fueling station to get some juice.

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Autonomous Manufacturing Vehicles Are The Next Big Thing

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