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#LeadersTalk with International Solar Energy Society, David Renne and Joanna Costello

International Solar Energy Society talks to GineersNow TV about the organization's programs, projects and the solar industry trends.

During the World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, International Solar Energy Society (ISES), David Renne, President and Joanna Costello, Executive Secretary talks to GineersNow TV about the organization’s programs, projects and the current trends in the solar industry.

About the Leaders

Dr. David Renné

Dr. Renné has served as President of the International Solar Energy Society since 2010.

From 1991 until his retirement in 2012 Dr. Renné managed the solar resource assessment activities at the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).  He also led and participated in a number of international programs.   In 2012 he formed the consultancy Dave Renne Renewables and became a Senior Consultant to Clean Power Research, a small U.S. Company that develops resource assessment and analytical software tools to support large-scale grid connected solar energy systems. He has also worked as a consultant on solar resource assessment programs with the World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) Resource Mapping Project, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the Asian Development Bank, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, and others.  He is also an Associate Editor of the Solar Energy Journal in the field of solar resource assessment.

Joanna Costello

Joanna Costello received an Hons. B.Sc. Applied Physics at the National University of Ireland, Galway in 2007. She then went on to complete a Masters (M.Sc) in Renewable Energy Management at the University of Freiburg in 2011. Joanna worked at the solar energy company, Soitec, in Freiburg before joining the International Solar Energy Society in 2014. First working as Communications and Outreach and now in her current role as Deputy Executive Secretary, she works on outreach and engagement opportunities for the Society.  Joanna is responsible for the project management of the Society’s biennial Solar World Congress as well as international partnerships, organizing monthly webinars on renewables energy and regular newsletter and website content. To contact Joanna Costello, please write her an email at [email protected].

About the Organization


For over 60 years the members of The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) have undertaken the product research that has helped the renewable energy industry to grow. ISES, through its knowledge sharing and community building programs, helps its global membership provide the technical answers to accelerate the transformation to 100% renewable energy and thereby achieve the following vision: The International Solar Energy Society (ISES) envisions a world with 100% renewable energy for everyone used wisely and efficiently.

ISES is one of the largest international solar organization, with extensive membership worldwide. The Society has members in more than 110 countries, and sections or global contacts in over 50 countries with thousands of contacts, and almost 100 company and institutional members throughout the world.  Young ISES, a network of students and young professional ISES members, is now connecting young solar professionals worldwide.

ISES has a track record of strongly supporting the solar industry, helping shape public opinion through education and outreach activities and providing informed comment on global issues.

ISES advocates

  • Knowledge sharing on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies
  • Universal energy access, including:
    • Decentralized energy systems
    • Smart grids
    • Village and community power
  • Renewable systems integration
  • International cooperation
  • Comprehensive assessments/roadmaps

ISES is the longest standing solar organization in the world, with its roots dating back to 1954. In 1963 the Society became accredited with the United Nations and has been working with UN entities and programs since, taking part in important events like the UNFCCC Climate Change Conferences and the UN Commission on Sustainable Development meetings.

ISES provides objective, scientific advice to governments and the public at a global level. ISES strong research and academic foundations bring credibility to its advise on technical and policy issues related towards achieving 100% renewable energy worldwide. Find out more about the International Solar Energy Society on the website:


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Patricia Eldridge
Patricia took her MBA in London, UK. She's a model, actress, blogger and a copywriter. Her boyfriend is an overworked and underpaid engineer.

#LeadersTalk with International Solar Energy Society, David Renne and Joanna Costello

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