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When a Young Engineer Doesn’t Deserve A Raise

The job is never easy when you’re the boss.

When a Young Engineer Doesn’t Deserve A Raise


The job is never easy when you’re the boss. Engineers who made it to the top will always say that. They’re responsible on how the management goes and they have the final say in everything, which makes it harder since success will depend on their decisions. Another hard situation these engineering bosses encounter is having ambitious employees who ask to get promoted even if they don’t deserve it.

When young engineer ask their boss for a raise or promotion, there’s a right approach on how to let them know that they’re just not yet ready for it. If you’re an engineering boss who doesn’t want to reject someone without discouraging them, these are the things you should and shouldn’t do.

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Be honest

Your candor is needed in these situations. There’s no other way to let them know but to be honest about how you feel about the request for a promotion or a raise.


Inform everyone about how promotion works within the company

This will give everyone the idea how to get the promotion properly and gives a sense of fairness to all of them. Better to do this during your meetings to save time.


Never reward someone for the wrong reasons

To avoid giving employees the wrong idea about how you promote them, don’t give someone a raise or a work “upgrade” just because he/she did something nice this month. You’ll be losing your credibility here.

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You can always encourage and acknowledge

Encourage your employees to work harder and do better in their jobs. When they have accomplished something, give them credit for it.


Don’t underestimate the importance of setting expectations

Before hiring employees, let them know right there and then about your expectations on the company and their roles to achieve them,. Let them know about what their goals should be and be clear to them how they can achieve them inside the company.


Be a guide

Since you are the boss, you have to coach them in order for them to gain the skills, the knowledge and experience they need to succeed in the company..

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Engr. Jenae Muller
Engineering geek. Currently working at Murray & Roberts Joburg. Former senior engineering recruiter at Group Five Engineering & Construction. Studied industrial engineering at Univ of Johannesburg. Kickass Dutch who likes tattoo. Blogging about innovations. Follow me on Linkedin

When a Young Engineer Doesn’t Deserve A Raise

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