How Engineers Can Master The Art Of Public Speaking

Sooner or later you’ll need to learn to master this skill no matter what engineering field you are in.

As engineers, we are more well-known for our number-crunching and problem solving abilities rather than our ability to speak in front of a crowd. Well, it’s mostly true since it’s what we were trained to concentrate on in engineering school. We were trained to design, troubleshoot and solve different problems, but we were never really “trained” to present them well in front of an audience.

Source: Wired

While there are a few who have the innate talent of presenting their thoughts perfectly in public, there are a lot of engineers who don’t. However, at one point in your engineering career, no matter what field you are in, you will sooner or later will be required to do a presentation in front of an audience. It could be a new project you and your team are working on. It could be new process you are going to teach your future team. Or it could be a proposal to your bosses. There are so many instances, and that’s why it’s important to learn how to speak in public effectively.

Here are some tip on how you can master the art of public speaking.

Know your audience.

Know the demographics of your audience. If it’s a corporate event, inspire them. If it’s an event with family and friends, entertain them.


If you have a presentation coming up, make some time to practice everyday. Prepare your content ahead of time. The best way to present flawlessly is to rehearse.

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Practice with distractions

This will test how well prepared you are for your presentation. Try to rehearse while the TV is turned on. Give yourself a little challenge.

Find a style that works for you

Find what works best for you. Some prefer having some notes with them, while others prefer to be 100% scripted. There are also others who prefer to go with the flow.

Check the venue

Before giving a presentation, make sure you have a feel of the environment before you deliver your presentation. Walk the room, walk the stage so that you will be more comfortable when it’s time to give your presentation.

Test the equipment

Technical problems will be there, so it’s best to check everything before the program.

Body Language

Communication is more than the words that are coming from our lips, it is a combination of our words, movement and emphasis on the message.

Make eye contact

No matter how big the audience is, make eye contact. This will make the audience feel that you are communicating directly with them.

Confidence is key

Own the room, look the audience in the eye and get their attention. Project confidence.

Learning how to effectively speak in public is a very good way to connect with people. It is a skill that every engineer should master.


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How Engineers Can Master The Art Of Public Speaking

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