Have you ever felt like your tasks are piling up day by day at work? That no matter how much effort and time you spend–even after work hours–they don’t seem to end? You feel like you’re trapped in a hamster wheel, not getting anywhere no matter how fast or how hard you try.
This scenario can overwhelm you. So here are some ways that can help you be on top of your game. These may help you be more in control of your life rather that your tasks taking control of you.
Plan your commitments
Organize your commitments for the day by mapping out a plan. This will give you an overview on how you’re going to handle your tasks throughout the day/week more efficiently. This will also give you an idea on how you’re going to decide whether you’re going to accept a new task that is given to you so you know if you’re actually biting in more than you can chew.
Prioritize by urgency
Not all tasks are urgent. You need to differentiate which tasks are important from which ones are urgent. Urgent matters are those that need immediate attention, so in the schedule you’ve created, always set a buffer. If the task is neither urgent nor important, you need to question yourself why you are doing this.
Source: Unsplash
It’s time to pay more attention to your time
Not everyone can operate on an efficient internal clock. If you’re one of the employees who can, then you always know how much time you need to finish a task, If not, you can still be efficient by scheduling your time throughout the day. Create milestones you set along the way.
Find out what uses up your time
Let’s face it, we can’t be productive 100% of the time. We face daily distractions that can eat away your time. These include, email, meetings, office chatter, and the ultimate distraction nowadays–social media. While these distractions can be useful to give you time to unwind and refocus, too much of it can cause you more problems than the relaxation it’s supposed to do.
Learn self-control and keep these distractions to a minimum.
Know when to say no.
There’s nothing wrong with offering some help to someone. But if it’s adding more “food” to a full plate, then maybe it’s time to say no.
Above everything i’ve mentioned, taking care of yourself should be your number one priority when it comes to your career. How can you give your best at work if you, yourself, are not at your best. Hopefully, these tips can help minimize the stress you experience at work.