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Things To Do While Waiting For The Licensure Exam Results

Waiting game too strong? Do these things to get by.

You’re nervous and you find yourself uneasy as you wait for the results. You spent months studying for the licensure exam and as soon as you submitted your answers, you’re left with this uncomfortable feeling that you may or may not pass it. Expectations are high yet you’re very uncertain of what to do. It has always been your dream to be an engineer. You want it more than anything else – oh, except to find true love maybe. You have three days to a week before you find out whether you passed or not.

So you distract yourself. You do whatever it takes to take your mind off the exam before you go nuts overthinking about it. You can no longer stand another moment when you suddenly realized what you answered in this certain question was wrong. That’s another point taken from you. So you keep yourself busy.

How about doing these things while you wait for the results?

  • If you believe in a Higher Being, go and pray. Nothing hurts if you talk about your concerns and problems in life.
  • Remind your parents that you did your best, you have been a loving son/daughter and that you will always be the best thing that ever happened to them even if you won’t pass the board exam.
  • If you’re sure that you’ll pass, make party preparations. Let the whole neighborhood know that there’s a new engineer on the block.
  • If you’re sure you’ll fail, prepare your room for Netflix and Chill. As the realization sinks in that you will have to take it again, you might get sad for a few days and may not want to see your friends. Netflix will cheer you up.
  • Have sex. It’s one fun distraction. Warn your partner you’ve been deprived of it for months because of studying so someone will be sore at the end of the session.
  • Remind your parents again that you love them so much and all you ever do is make them proud.
  • Drink. Let your friends know that you need a drink. Make that two. Or more. Now you’re drunk.
  • Clean your room. If the results still aren’t out by the time you finish cleaning it, clean the whole damn house!
  • Pet the cat. Pet the dog. Pet your bird.
  • If you’re a guy, shower your girlfriend with gifts!
  • If you’re a girl, nag your boyfriend to do this and do that.
  • If you’re single, join Tinder.
  • Remind your parents before they go to sleep that you are always grateful for everything they’ve done to you.
  • Drink more. Get drunk!
  • Like every picture of all the people you’ve been following on Instagram.
  • If you like to live dangerously, stalk an ex and challenge yourself you will not like a picture posted a year ago.
  • If you’re sure you’ll pass the exam, burn all the review materials. Good riddance.
  • If you’re sure you’ll fail, store all your review materials in one corner and remind yourself you’ll be needing them again in a few months. See you soon!
  • Since you’re going to be an engineer, try to fix things around the house. At least your parents  know that all those years in engineering school won’t be put to waste.
  • Send your resume to different companies. You’re gonna work – pass or fail. You don’t care.
  • Then you go to sleep for the next 20 hours – only waking up when you’re hungry.
  • You will read those books you bought two years ago to make you sleepy again.
  • Then you will sleep again until you wake up to the news that the results are out.
  • But until then you will keep reminding your parents that you love them with all of your heart.
  • No matter what happens, you will try to remain positive that if you pass or fail, good things will still happen to you if you work hard and believe in yourself.
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Good luck! Remember that passing won’t guarantee you a successful future while failing won’t mean it will be the end of the world for you. Whatever the results, you have to keep on striving for the best. It’s what you will do after the results come out that will determine your path. So be wise with what you do with your life and with your career as an engineer.

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Things To Do While Waiting For The Licensure Exam Results

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