Brighter and Greener Future: Spherical Sun Power Generator

As technologies like this continue to be developed, there will never be an excuse not to go completely green.

Believing that the sun can give so much more, German Architect Andre Broessel created the spherical sun power generator. Using a hybrid collector, the said generator can convert thermal and electrical energy at the same time. Generating twice as a conventional solar power panel, the spherical sun power generator can be one of the faces of green energy in the future.

Even when there is a little amount of sunlight or when it is nighttime, the spherical sun power generator can “squeeze more juice out of the sun,” like how Broessel puts it. The beta.ray, a prototype his company Rawlemon created combines combine spherical geometry principles with a dual-axis tracking system that can garner much solar energy even when mounted in a smaller area. It can be placed even in inclined areas such as walls of buildings because it is fully rotational.

What’s amazing about the spherical sun power generator is that even if it only has a 25% silicon area, it can still operate at a 57% efficiency level by using the ultra transmission Ball Lens point focusing concentrator. This spherical sun power generator can also be used to light your place during the night by turning into a high-power lamp that uses a few LED. It also supplements the electricity consumption of buildings. Also, the generator can be used to charge electric vehicles.

If the spherical sun power generator will be adopted by different sectors and industries, this will be the ultimate solution to increasing energy demands. Because of its futuristic design and space-saving feature, many companies and renewable energy enthusiasts will be encouraged to pursue such innovation. Also, as technologies like this continue to be developed, there will never be an excuse not to go completely green.

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Russel Cyra

Journalist. Engineering enthusiast. Filipina.

Brighter and Greener Future: Spherical Sun Power Generator

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