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This Smart Hat Allows You To Listen To Music Without Earphones

This smart hat makes use of conduction technology that allows you to listen to music and answer calls without the need for earphones.

Wearing earphones can be a drag at times, especially when you need to be aware of the sound in your surroundings. That’s why a startup company created a cap that can replace your earphones to listen to music or answer calls while being aware of your surroundings. They call it the ZEROi cap.

The company made this possible by attaching four built-in-bone conduction speakers onto the hat. Bone conduction is a means of transmitting sound at a frequency that can be conducted through the bones of the skull. ZEROi doesn’t block the outside sound, so you can still use it in normal environment conditions.

Source: Kickstarter, ZEROi

Unlike their competitors who only uses two conduction speakers, ZEROi makes use of four. This allows a more enhanced quality of sound. It can be worn anytime of the day, regardless of the weather condition. The cap is also water resistant, so you don’t have to worry when it accidentally gets wet, or when it rains, or when you get sweaty during your morning jog. Another feature that’s likeable is one charge of the cap can last up to 5 hours and last up to 8 days on standby mode. ZEROi also has built in microphones that allows you to make and answer phone calls, without needing those extra earphones. Go ahead and answer calls directly while walking, shopping, reading or exercising.

Source: Kickstarter, ZEROi

Whenever you want to turn your cap on or off, the cap has an easy one click button that allows you to do so. It also has different designs to match your preferred outfits of the day.

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The company offers two designs for the cap, the snapback and baseball cap. It also comes in three colors: white black and blue.


Source: Kickstarter, ZEROi

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This Smart Hat Allows You To Listen To Music Without Earphones

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