A comfortable home is a necessity, not a luxury, during a hot Adelaide summer. Yet, far too many families are left struggling with expensive air-con systems or ineffective installations. At its best, an air con will offer that perfect level of climate control whenever you need it with no adverse effects or expensive running costs. At their worst, they can become annoying to regulate and may not be the investment you expected. You want to be sure you get the very best cooling systems to keep everyone happy. So, is that an evaporative system?
Evaporative air conditioners are a popular choice and often cited as the most cost-effective solution, but are they the way to go? Your local air conditioning services should have a selection of units on offer and will rave about the many benefits on offer. But are they better than traditional refrigeration units? Here are some of the pros and cons and a quick breakdown of how they work.
Evaporative Air Con Vs. Refrigeration Air Con: What’s The Difference?
Refrigeration systems are a common choice in Adelaide homes. They take the air that’s already in your home, run it through the cooling system, and pump it back out. You then get a steady supply of air at a much more comfortable temperature. The machines require an outdoor unit, which handles all the refrigeration processes in the condenser, and the indoor unit, with its heat exchange coil and fan.
The alternative is to go for an evaporative system. These can be much smaller and less invasive. You get a new cooling unit on your roof that uses water instead of a chemical refrigerant. As warm air passes over the water, there is an evaporation effect that brings it down to a more comfortable temperature. This means you can bring in new air from outside and cool that down rather than recycle the air in your home. The cold air then filters through the duct system.
This alternative solution certainly sounds appealing, but is it the right choice for your home? There are some significant benefits to switching to evaporative systems. Still, there are some downsides to keep in mind before you buy.
The Benefits of Choosing Evaporative Air Conditioning
1) Lower costs
As mentioned before, one of the top benefits of choosing evaporation when buying air conditioning in Adelaide is the cost efficiency. Any air conditioning system is going to mean some high initial costs for the purchase and installation. However, you have to think long-term here and consider the savings compared to refrigeration systems. Evaporative solutions use a lot less energy, which means lower energy costs. So, if you’ve found yourself struggling with the bills in summer or making compromises to reduce your AC usage, this might be the best choice.
2) Better hygiene
A problem with refrigeration units is that they draw in recycled air and can pick up a lot of dust and dirt in the process. You don’t get the same clean air you do with an evaporative system. This could be a problem for anyone dealing with allergies or trying to maintain a pristine home. That doesn’t mean that it’s completely clean and risk-free, as you will see below, but it is certainly refreshing to have that cool air from the water rather than old air pumped around the building.
3) Less Noise
This one can depend on the unit and its placement. Still, there are owners of refrigeration units who find them to be far too noisy. The outside unit whirrs away to keep up with the demand and can get a bit grating. You might get used to it after a while, but it’s not ideal when cooling the home on hot nights. Your neighbors may not thank you for it either.
4) More Eco-friendly
This final benefit is a continuation of the lower running costs. When you use less energy with these systems, that means a knock-on effect with a lower carbon footprint. You aren’t burning as much electricity or giving off as much heat from an external unit. On top of that, refrigeration systems rely on chemical refrigerants to get the air down to the right temperature. These are dangerous if mishandled or if there is a leak and are toxic to the environment. You will need to rely on expert air conditioning services to fix it.
The Drawbacks in Choosing Evaporative Air Conditioning
1) Needs water
This might sound obvious after reading about how these systems work, but it has its downsides. You need to make sure there is a reliable water source for this to function. There is no clean water supply, and there is no evaporation of cold air. If you think this might be a problem due to the construction and location of your home, the refrigeration models may be a better fit.
2) Humidity issues
Another factor to keep in mind is that these systems are not as effective in humid and rainy areas as in dry areas. There is no guarantee the AC will be as efficient as you’ve experienced in other homes. On the subject of humidity, be aware that you will probably need to keep some of your doors and windows open while this system is running. This allows for a more steady flow of air and fewer moisture issues in your property. This might not be practical for young families or if there are lots of bugs around.
3) Needs regular cleaning
Finally, these systems do require regular cleaning to ensure the hygienic and advantageous air supply mentioned before. This means a regular wipe-down of internal parts and vents to remove excess moisture. Doing so can help you avoid mold and mineral deposits that could contaminate the air or affect the effectiveness of the system.
Choosing The Best Air Conditioner For Your Home
Ultimately, it all comes down to the needs and preferences of your family. If the financial implications are most important, it may be worth putting up with any humidity issues and cleaning chores to get those long-term savings. You can also use it knowing you have a greener system that can provide quality air with ease. However, they are not for everyone, and you might feel that the refrigeration system is the better solution for your circumstances. Weigh up the pros and cons, talk to your local air conditioning services, and see how you can improve your AC next summer.