Signs That You Are An Exceptionally Productive Engineer

Check if the items on the list applies to you.

The most productive people are actually those that do a lot more than just stay busy. It’s easy to just go through your daily work routine and check items off your to-do list. The difficult part is checking the right things off your list, completing the right projects, and finishing the right tasks at the right time. This is where an employee goes from plain busy to being productive, and becomes an indispensable employee to a company.

Here are some signs that an employee is exceptionally productive.

They start with goals

Exceptionally productive employees have long term goals, as well as short term goals to support their long term ones. This shows that they have a purpose, which means that they know what they are working hard for and why they are working hard. They are dedicated, organized and always right on track.

Productive people always set their goals first. So, if you want to be exceptionally productive, this is a good place to start. By setting your goals first, you’ll find it easier to stay focused and be effective because you truly care about your goal

They create systems

Engineers are experts at creating systems, so it’s important to make use of this skill in your career as well. Productive people create systems so they can achieve their career goals. They plan and map out how they are going to achieve their goals.

Combining your set goals with a well-designed system will provide direction and will help you achieve your goal.

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They believe in themselves

If there is someone who should always believe in yourself, it is supposed to be you. Be your number one fan and motivator. The reason why many people fail and give up quickly, it’s because they have given up on themselves, and believe that they cannot do any better.

They accept the status quo

Productive people understand that not everything will go their way, so they embrace this reality and have a backup plan ready to solve unseen circumstances.

They don’t compare themselves with others

Productive people focus on improving themselves rather than comparing themselves with others who are doing better than them. When you compare yourself to a person who is doing better than you, you tend to lose motivation and accept that you will not be able to reach what that other person has. Do your best to avoid this, and instead focus on honing your own skills.

They rarely multitask

Productive people only multitask when the situation really needs it, since multitasking lets you divide your attention with the different tasks you are doing. Productive people focus their 100% attention on one thing at a time.


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Signs That You Are An Exceptionally Productive Engineer

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