How Engineers Can Get More Done Without Extending Work Hours

Don't want to work overtime? Do these instead.

As an engineer, we all know how busy we can get. There’s just so many that needs to be done in so little time. Sure, we’re used to it ever since the first year of engineering school, but working in the engineering industry is a different world. In these moments, it’s tempting to work overtime. We know it isn’t good for our mental and physical health, but what can we do? Well, a lot, actually.

Most of the time, the reason why we can’t get things done on time is are simple mistakes we’ve been doing all our lives. Well then, what are these mistakes, and how do we fix them? Well, here are 8 ways to make sure you can get more things done on time:

#1 Organize and plan everything

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Make sure every project, every venture, and every task is well thought out and planned for ahead of time. This’ll keep the flow of the task going whilst making sure you don’t run into problems that’ll slow you down.

#2 Work with what you’re good at. Ask help for things you aren’t

Working with things you’re good at is no problem at all. With the things you aren’t good at, however, you don’t have to struggle through it by yourself. Know what you can or cannot do, and ask for help from an expert at the task and learn how they do it.

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#3 Do what you love and love what you do

What are your top priorities in this job? Which tasks are the ones you love to do? What do you want to contribute to the company? Make the tasks that answer these questions the top of your priority list, then it won’t even seem like you’re working at all.

#4 Build networks with people

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If you want to be able to get help when you need it, you’d need a network of people you know. So build healthy business relationships with everyone. You never know when they could lend you a hand.

#5 Stop getting distracted

This is easier said than done, but it’s one of the most vital parts of getting things done. If you keep on getting distracted by social media, coworkers chatting, or even other tasks you’d want to do at the same time as your current task, you’re never going to get it finished on time. So try to find a way to keep yourself focused on the single task at hand.

#6 Don’t procrastinate

Procrastination is the productivity killer. It lures us in by telling us “we can save that job for later” and provide us the temporary relief of not having to deal with it. That is, until it’s almost the deadline and we have to rush it in a day. There are several ways to combat procrastination, with one of the most effective being the 5-minute rule. You can easily find these methods by googling them.

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#7 Turn technology from an enemy to a friend

Sure, technology can be a major distraction, but it can also be the most helpful thing you could ever have. Use technology to automate things that take a lot of time. Use t to remind you of the tasks you need to do and their deadlines. Use it as a mode of communication with your boss or coworkers. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, after all.

#8 Set your priorities

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This is not just about listing in which order to do the tasks at, but also about time management. De-prioritize everything that isn’t urgent, even if others insist it is. Make sure each task can be done in the amount of time you set it to be, otherwise leave it for another day and do another task that takes less time. This things are the main key to getting tasks done on time.




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How Engineers Can Get More Done Without Extending Work Hours

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