How Engineers Can Do More In Less Time

Get things done in the least amount of time possible

Studies show that most people are unproductive at work. And when you’re an engineer trying to get to the top, that can be a very dangerous trap to fall in. But if there’s just so much to do in so little time, how do you handle it without the burnout? Well luckily, Science has given us a few ways to help:

Work according to your internal clock

Source: Tenor

Remember, our bodies have their own natural rhythms, and they’re determined by our genes. Some people are more energized in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some at night. Try to find out where you stand in the spectrum.

If you tend to wake up early and do fine with the standard work hour, you’re likely to be a morning person. If you’re tired during the first half and get into full work mode on the second half, you’re an afternoon person. If you’re eternally exhausted throughout the workday but tend to stay up at night, you’re most likely a night owl.

Find out when you’re at your peak and try to adjust your work schedule to it.

Get enough sleep

Source: Giphy

Research has shown that sleep allows the body to rest and repair itself for the grind the following day. So despite our culture’s tendency to pull all-nighters, just sleep in and set that work aside for tomorrow. Your body will thank you for it.

Take a break

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Our bodies aren’t exactly designed to keep working and working for 8 hours straight. We get tired for a reason. Remember, Productivity is about excelling at the tasks that generate the highest value, not doing the most number of tasks.

Our body can only focus for 90-120 minutes at a time. To help you through this, you need to take the “basic rest-activity cycle”, where after every 1-2 hours you take a 15-20 minute break throughout the day. It gives you enough time to rest and refocus and still get stuff done.

Get an office plant

Source: Giphy

Yes, I know, this is a bit odd. But science says it helps. Apparently, houseplants in the office helps workers become 15% more productive. Maybe it’s the fresh air and reconnection to nature where we belong.




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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

How Engineers Can Do More In Less Time

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