How Engineer Leaders Can Turn Disasters Into Inspiration

Turning disasters into inspiration might sound scary. But with the right mindset, you can do it to motivate your team.

Do you remember having a remarkable failure that still scares you to this day? These negative situations might have taught you not to repeat your actions that led to it. In retrospect, that alone sounds nice. But what if you could turn those disasters into inspiration for your employees as well? Not only will you be able to share your experiences with them, you’ll also be able to motivate them to not go down the same path.

Don’t succumb to fear

Source: Linkedin

Remembering mistakes can be unpleasant. As a leader, you’re expected to lead your team into reaching a goal that you believe is correct. Thing is, even leaders don’t have a 100% guaranteed foresight of what’s to happen, there’s always a chance of failure lurking around. Everyone makes mistakes, and we do everything that we can to learn from it. For CEO’s and Leaders, however, there are only two choices: face your fear, or stay the hell away from it. Fearing your mistake will not solve anything. Face it head on and you’ll see what it means to fix the problem on your own.

Minimize your foresight, even by a little

There will always be a time where you won’t be able to predict too far ahead. You might have been able to see where your company is going in the next couple of years. But there will always be a time where you’ll be lost, so learn to shorten your horizon. If you are in a rut, don’t overthink for a solution, instead, tackle the problem closest to your goal. Don’t think of how you’ll run the mile after tripping, focus on getting back on your feet first.

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Involve your team

Source: Diversity411

People will often panic in the face of the unknown. But they also feel valued when their opinions matter. If a challenging situation arises, involve your team in thinking of ways to solve the problem. Don’t be too pressured to be the person who should know it all. Take in a different perspective from the people around you. It’ll help in building trust and it will strengthen the community inside your company.

Give it to them straight

Always set proper expectations. Don’t lead your employees into a pit while smiling. Promises that fail will reduce your credibility and make your employees’ trust waver along with it. Give the facts as it is, but still retain some optimism. Setting realistic goals towards stability can take a lot of time, but it’s worth it if you think about retaining the trust of your employees.




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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

How Engineer Leaders Can Turn Disasters Into Inspiration

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