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Research Papers Topics for Engineering Students

From time to time every student asks for finance homework help

Research Papers Topics for Engineering Students


Struggling to come up with an idea for a finance research paper? Well, we are going to give you a few ideas on this page. Do bear in mind that we have tried to steer clear of giving you specific titles. We want to give you a few ideas for your research paper which, hopefully, you will be able to build upon in order to create something that is absolutely fantastic.

But having a top isn’t everything. From time to time every student asks for finance homework help, don’t be shy too!

Importance of a credit line for business growth

Many companies may be making a lot of profit, but nearly all of them will have established credit lines which will help them to grow even further. For this research paper ideas, you may want to consider the importance of these credit lines, and whether businesses should be using more of them, or maybe fewer of them. You may even want to tackle some of the downsides of credit lines.

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How a financial crisis can impact a bank

In this research paper, you can talk a little bit about past financial crises and the impact that they had on banks. You may want to think a little bit about how financial crises start, and the role a bank and financing plays in this. Can future financial issues be prevented? Do banks really come out as the winners in a financial crisis? One of the wonderful things about this topic is that you have a lot of different real-world examples that you can cover. You may even want to consider comparing banks in different countries to find out how each independent country deals with a financial crisis. 

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The impact of business finance on a developing country

It is fair to say that developing countries are rife with investment opportunities. Quite often, finance from banks will play a role in this. You may want to talk about whether banks are the right people to finance a country. Whether it is a decent investment for those who are involved and maybe even bring in some ‘real world’ examples here. What are the downsides to business finance in a developing country? Does it impact more than the finances? Could it lead to banks being a quasi-government for a country that could impact citizens? Although, of course, you will want to narrow these points dependent on the type of finance research paper you are tackling.

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Changing financial regulations

In light of the recent financial crisis, financial regulations around the world are changing. Do you feel that these are to the benefit or to the hindrance of those providing finance? Where should limits be drawn in terms of regulation of an industry? You may even want to compare how two different countries introduced financial regulations and the impact that this had on the economy of that country. For a new example, you may want to look at how a potential Brexit may impact financial regulations in the United Kingdom and beyond, and the impact this will have for the future.

Case study on…

Case studies into the finances of a PLC company are always going to be a great finance research paper. This is because there will be a lot of information out there about it. You will also have easy access to all of the data. You may want to look at historical records for the company, and how small changes that they have made over the years may impact their finances. You may even want to consider how external factors have had an impact on the finances, and you may even provide arguments on how this could be countered by the company.

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The management of national debt

Nearly every single country in the world has a government that is in debt. For many countries, this is a debt that is only going to get larger. In this research paper, you can talk about why the national debt exists and whether it is a good thing. You can also consider how national debt can be managed to ensure it doesn’t get wildly out of control.

Remember; this is just a starting point for your list of research paper topics for finance. We hope that you have found a couple of decent ideas here, and we hope that you are going to be able to put together a tremendous research paper using these topic ideas.

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