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The Top Three Apps All Engineers Need To Download

Mobile apps are vital tools in our daily lives, and engineering apps of all kinds can help engineers improve their knowledge bases, work faster in the field, and generally ensure better results.

During fieldwork, an engineer needs to stay connected, both to ensure their safety and to call for backup. Choosing the best smartphone has become a vital part of the job, and requires engineers to consider things like phone hardiness, signal capabilities, and beyond.

Even outside of specific fieldwork requirements, mobile phones are an invaluable engineering tool. They make it possible to create networks and access supplier sites from any location. Increasingly, they also provide access to some invaluable engineering apps.

Of course, with excessive app downloads running the risk of slowing phone performance, it’s not practical to download every single app that correlates with your engineering position. But we’ve narrowed things down to just three apps that could prove useful for engineers in any industry.

# 1 – iEngineer

iEngineer is an iPhone-based app that offers a complete on-the-go database of screw and bolt engineering knowledge. This app helps engineers to know which drill they should be using on any bolts or screws they come across, as well as how much pressure they can reasonably apply. During fieldwork, access to this app can help to prevent unnecessary mistakes and setbacks, as well as ensure that you always have the right toolkit. It is an engineer’s dream, and it’s a tool you could benefit from downloading.

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# 2 – iCircuit

iCircuit is another iPhone-based app, but this one is all about circuits. Using over 30 in-app elements, engineers can design and experiment with circuits using an advanced simulation engine. The app can handle both analogue and digital circuits and can be used like any CAD program, where you add elements, connect them, and set their properties. In-app elements include signal generators, voltage sources, and DC motors. Engineers can also create their own sub circuits to introduce new elements, while a multimeter probe can instantly read all circuit voltages and currents. This is an invaluable mapping tool, which can serve both as great engineering practice for students and as a crucial preparatory tool in the field.

# 3 – Professional Engineering

Professional Engineering is the 101 engineering app and keeps engineers up to date with vital industry updates, including tech advancements, professional issues, and general industry shifts. The app has recently undergone an update that means members can access regularly updated industry features and content. For students through to field engineers, staying up to date in the industry can prove invaluable, ensuring access to the latest tech, involvement in industry matters/concerns, and the ability to change your working style according to any industry shifts. This is also a great way to impress engineering teachers, management teams and more by proving your knowledge, and your commitment to keeping it on the cutting edge of engineering on the whole.

Mobile apps are vital tools in our daily lives, and engineering apps of all kinds can help engineers improve their knowledge bases, work faster in the field, and generally ensure better results. Don’t hesitate to download these top three options to improve your engineering at last.

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The Top Three Apps All Engineers Need To Download

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