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Utilities Sector Post Covid-19 Outlook

Utilities sector must create a future proof team to champion protective endeavors and whittle any forthcoming crisis

Utilities Sector



A few months have passed since the initial coronavirus outbreak spread across the world and caused the countries to implement extreme albeit completely valid rule sets such as community quarantines, nationwide lockdowns, mass testing operations, and medical frontline endeavors, among other methods to buttress the coronavirus’ spread.

Many industries as well are reeling from the adverse effects of the virus, doing everything in their power to remain working in a slowly collapsing economy.

One such industry that faced multiple consequences thanks to COVID-19 is the utilities sector, specifically power and drinking water industries.

Now, safety has always been at the forefront for the utilities sector. Needless to say, it is a core principle by which they work and live. Amidst this global pandemic, making certain that critical lifeline services are smoothly operating and are not interrupted has created a mountain of a challenge.

The near-term decisions utility leaders make today to protect their employees, communities and business from COVID-19, will undoubtedly impact future operations. In order to guarantee enterprise resiliency in the present until the future, ensuring the safety of people and going the extra mile to serve customers while anticipating and minimizing financial impact is the industry’s paramount objective.

Water Filtration System
Here then are 3 steps to adapt to an evolving environment today:


1. Utilities Sector Response

Utilities must organize their response to COVID-19. This means the figureheads of the utilities industry must come together, set clear key performance indicators to measure the lessening of COVID-19-positive cases, and appoint an organizational commander to oversee the endeavors.

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2. Utilities Sector Future Proof

Utilities must create a future planning and proofing team in order to champion any protective endeavors to combat or whittle any forthcoming crisis, medical or otherwise.

3. Utilities Sector New Opportunities

Utilities must identify new opportunities to partner with stakeholders because as this crisis has taught us all, many connections are lost. That being said, new ones must be forged in the ashes of this pandemic.


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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

Utilities Sector Post Covid-19 Outlook

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