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The Six Guys You Meet In Engineering College

Engineering College: Let's talk about the usual kinds that you'll see around the corridors and inside the classroom, girl perspective style.

The Six Typical Guys in Engineering College

Curious about the different types of guys that exist in Engineering? Well let us talk about the usual kinds that you’ll see around the corridors and inside the classroom, girl perspective style. Anything else you want to add to the list? Leave us a comment!

The Arrogant Guy

He usually does not talk to the average girls and boys, and thinks he know a lot about Engineering. He could probably finish a problem without anyone’s help and he tries to correct other people most of the time. Although there are nicer smart kids around the campus, there will always be the arrogant ones who is frowned upon because of their mean attitude. Thumbs up if you can befriend and humble The Arrogant Guy!

The Douchebags

Oh these guys want to be a girl’s friend just so he can move on from talking engineering topics to bedroom stories. They might consistently bug you even if you already have a partner and will keep on surprising you with their thought. Girls, watch out for this guy! And if ever this guy is you, hey it’s never too late to be a nicer dude.


The Shy Guys

There will always be those guys who just can’t gather their guts to talk to people, and adding a crush on facebook is already a momentous achievement for them. They are sometimes aloof and keeps a lot of things to themselves. It’s ok to be shy, but it won’t hurt to be courageous as well! Now if this is you, put up your sleeves and talk to that girl you’ve eyeing.

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The Hot Teacher’s Assisstant

Usually a senior, or a super smart kid who is also handsome and makes lectures worthwhile because of their good looks. However they might have little interest in other girls because their hearts are already taken by another super smart senior girl. It’s still nice to have them as inspiration to go to class though!

The Nice Guy

Everybody has that friend who will lend you their calculator, teach you a subject when it gets tough and offer you their snacks. Be thankful for this guy but do not interpret his acts as a sign of his liking of you. Never assume! He might just be really nice.

The International Guys

Well they form their own group and you probably wouldn’t understand what their talking about most of the time. But it wouldn’t hurt to approach them. After all, you could learn a thing or two from these guys.

(All gifs are from iamtiana’s Youtube account)

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The Six Guys You Meet In Engineering College

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