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Why Use Digital Mailroom to Automate Your Mail Processes

Reduce mail processing time by up to 80% with digital mailroom. Automate your organization's mail processing with our easy-to-use software.

No company wants their mailbox to choke with physical mail. Moreover, with so much physical mail to process, other office tasks could halt, leading to bottlenecks in business. So, how to process your emails? The simplest way is to switch to a digital mailroom.

As the name suggests, a digital mailroom is online communication, especially for emails. You might wonder how a digital mailroom differs from Google mail? Well, a digital mailroom is more like a synchronized online mail archive. It can be used to collect and validate emails and send them to the required person automatically. Hence, all in all, it is essential for the seamless running of business communication.

So let’s discuss the benefits of digital mailroom automation. But before that, let me walk you through a digital mailroom.

What Is Digital Mailroom Automation?

Digital mailroom software eliminates the need for essential physical work, which includes sorting mail or routing them. All such tasks are handled by the software, and all you need to do is give a command. It not only keeps track of all the emails with a history but also transfers them to the required department automatically. Hence, the process is fully automated, and a data archive is created.

Why Use Digital Mailroom?

Apart from automating your mailing process, the digital mailroom also offers several other benefits. These can range from saving time and resources to helping you develop a more synchronized business process. So, let’s see what other benefits mailroom automation offers.

1.   Effective Use Of Time And Resources

A digital mailroom automates the process. It not only delivers the mail automatically to the required departments but also scans them to ensure the right distribution. Hence, the manpower that would otherwise be engaged in scanning physical mail, responding to them, and delivering them to different departments, will now have time to contribute towards other processes that require time.

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Consequently, the company can be taken to new heights in no time. Moreover, since the online process is quite seamless, there is a meager chance of error and all the emails are answered in a designated time slot too. Therefore, there is no burden on the company’s resources and hence, they can be utilized in the company’s other departments.

2.   Simplify The Compliance Process

In the case of physical mail, there is a huge chance of mail getting lost in the delivery. Moreover, when employees have to answer each mail, there is a massive chance of late correspondence. On the contrary, with an online system, emails can be answered in quite a timely way.

Another benefit of utilizing digital automation is that you can have a complete record of all the paper trails. This way, if audit companies show up, you can easily present all the data and there will be no hassle in tracking and organizing data.

3.   Digitize Your Company

With the internet revolution, companies are moving more towards the idea of digitization and working from home. Therefore, to ensure that each employee is in the loop regarding the company’s processes and workings an automated mail process is essential to make such a system function.

You can put all employee’s mailing addresses in the system and route the email to the designated employee whenever required. Therefore, the employees can easily work from home and be connected at the same time. Lastly, such automation will also eliminate the need for an office space yet all the tasks will be carried out smoothly.

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4.   Build A Trusted Customer Base

Respodning to your customers in a timely manner is the first step to gaining their trust. However, with the use of physical mail, this can be quite time taking process. Moreover, the customers would rather quit buying your product than go through the process of sending a physical mail or complaint. Therefore, it is high time that you switch to digital mail for customer service.

This way your company will be able to respond to your customers in no time making them permanent clients in the long run. This system can be applied on various social media channels too since the basic purpose is to respond to the customer immediately.

5.   No Need To Hire Extra Staff

If you establish a physical mail room in our office, it will definitely need a lot of staff. These can include staff for mail collection, correspondence, and delivery. On the contrary, if you switch to a digital mailroom, all these tasks are performed automatically and you will just need one person to manage all of this. Consequently, company resources can be diverted in other directions.

To Wrap Up

In this era of automation, digitization is the one-stop solution to efficient and seamless work processes. Since mails are an inevitable part of every organization, the use of digital resources for their management can help the company save time, resources, and energy. Whether you run a small company or a conglomerate, switch to a digital mailroom today and see the difference it brings about in your company’s workings.

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Robert Bagatsing
Managing Editor and Founder of GineersNow based in Dubai and Manila. Survived marketing at Harvard, Management at AIM and proud Bedan.

Why Use Digital Mailroom to Automate Your Mail Processes

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