GineersNow Will Soon Launch a GN Community Open to All Engineers

Now, as much as we love sharing new information and amazing stories with you, we’d love to read what you have to share as well.

This 2016 has been a great first year for GineersNow. For the past months, we’ve been sharing with you kickass engineering stories that make your jaw drop in amazement, inspiring stories that bring out the best engineer in you, and we’ve also been featuring amazing people and companies in the field of engineering that surely spiked your interest. Let’s not forget the funny jokes, memes and quizzes that brighten up your newsfeed once in a while!

Now, as much as we love sharing new information and amazing stories with you, we’d love to read what you have to share as well. That’s why we are introducing GineersNow Community.

Source: Giphy

GineersNow Community

GineersNow Community is the home for kickass engineers who want to share what’s happening in their daily lives as engineers, their work, and to share ideas or innovations with different engineers around the world.

If you want to share cool gadgets you’ve found, insights or questions about any engineering topic, innovations, geeky videos or shows, inspirational stories, your badass engineering journey-frustrations-and triumphs, or just want to tell the world about how awesome Nikola Tesla is, then this is the perfect place for you.

Imagine having a social media primarily for engineers.

Stay tuned at our website and our social media pages for further announcements.

Source: Giphy

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

GineersNow Will Soon Launch a GN Community Open to All Engineers

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