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How LinkedIn Can Help Boost Your Engineering Career

Not everybody uses it but it’s a hidden gem for all of those who want to widen their connections.

If you are looking for a job, career change or start your own engineering business, then you need to frequently use LinkedIn.

In college, we’re always reminded to build connections and widen our network so that it would be easier for us to hunt for jobs as soon as we leave our academic lives. That’s why we join organizations, sororities and fraternities. Expanding our network helps us learn more about the field we’re in and find new clients for the companies we work with. We can also gather tips from the experts we meet and apply what we’ve learned in our jobs.

Source: Silicon UK

Now that we can use social media to our advantage, we can easily find connections to help us improve our growth in our careers and find the right people to communicate with – just in case we want a new job or our boss demands something ambitious from us. One particular social media platform that we can use is LinkedIn.

Source: Keyword Suggestions

Yes, I know it’s been around the Internet for quite some time already. But here’s what I’ve noticed. Not everybody has one. I’ve been actively using it since last year. My advice to those who haven’t taken the time to install the app on their smart phones and tablets: get one now and use it right away.

Here are some of the reasons why you need to get one now (or why you should always keep your profile updated):

It’s a digital resume

Source: Giphy

This is your chance to let other people know your background and achievements. So, companies who are looking for people to recruit will find out what you’ve done with your career and check if you fit the company.

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Engineering companies have very active LinkedIn profiles so this is your opportunity to let them “stalk” you. If they’ll like you, you might get a chance to hear from them real soon.

Connect with people all over the world.

Source: Giphy

Since LinkedIn is like a professional social media platform, it would be easier for you to connect with different engineers, scientists and people from different industries. You can even leave them a message and endorse their skills for other people to see.

Word of caution, everyone can check who has viewed his/her profile so if you’re the type who likes to stalk your crush or ex, this really isn’t the place to do it.

Chance to promote yourself

Source: Villanova University

If you and your company have done really amazing research on a special topic, you can share this in LinkedIn. This gives you the opportunity to promote who you are, the people you work with and the advocacies your company supports.

No selfies in here. People would be more impressed to see your achievements than your “cute” face on their wall. This is a professional networking site after all.

Let people find you easily

Source: Giphy

If you have a LinkedIn account, you can easily Google yourself. After your Facebook account, your LinkedIn profile would more or less be the next to show up on the results.

So better make sure that your profile is worth reading. Avoid posting unnecessary things on it.

Job hunt is made easy

Source: Giphy

If you’re in need of a job, this place is just for you. Different companies often post about different available positions in their company. You can find some posts for local jobs and even ones located abroad.

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So if you’re looking for a great job where you can practice what you’ve learned in engineering, then go ahead and search for the companies you’re interested in. There are plenty of jobs available around the world for engineers.

Very interesting articles from well-established people

Source: Pinterest

Since so many professionals use LinkedIn, it’s obvious that top companies would have active accounts here as well. Part of their profiles would have features such as really interesting reads that you can apply for your work.

If you want to know what kind of articles people at the top of their game read, then search their LinkedIn profile. You will get to know more about them there.

So there it is. Here are the reasons that should have you convinced to get a LinkedIn profile now. If you’re a graduating student or a professional rookie in your field, you might find this social media platform really useful for you. So go ahead, create a profile, choose an appropriate photo for your profile picture and start promoting yourself.

Source: Giphy

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Suad Alkhoury

Suad Alkhoury Speaks French, Arabic and English fluently. TV Host at GineersNow TV. Social media geek. Based in Dubai & Beirut. Follow me on Linkedin

How LinkedIn Can Help Boost Your Engineering Career

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