These Skills Will Help You Land A Job this 2017 According to LinkedIn

LinkedIn shares their data on the top 10 most in demand skills in the world this 2017

According to LinkedIn, job applications reach their peak at October, so it’s safe to assume that around that time this year, you or your friends are thinking about applying for a new job as well. So in light of this, LinkedIn has been kind enough to look into billions of data points in the past year from all over the world to uncover what employers are looking for and how to have employees successfully land a job, and ultimately, they revealed the top 10 skills that employers are looking for and will help you land a job in 2017:


  1. Cloud and Distributed Computing
  2. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
  3. Web Architecture and Development Framework
  4. Middleware and Integration Software
  5. User Interface Design
  6. Network and Information Security
  7. Mobile Development
  8. Data Presentation
  9. SEO/SEM Marketing
  10. Storage Systems and Management

This list reveals several global trends on today’s job market, Catherine Fisher states in a LinkedIn post, which are:

1)      The demand for marketers is decreasing

Marketing skills used to be very high in demand back in 2015, but things have changed quickly. “This year, SEO/SEM dropped five spots from #4 to #9 and marketing campaign management dropped completely off the list. Demand for marketing skills is slowing because the supply of people with marketing skills has caught up with employers’ demand for people with marketing skills.” Explains Fisher.

2)      Data and cloud computing are the most demanded skills in the market

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Source: 123RF

Cloud and distributed computing has been in the number 1 spot for the past two years, and even when looking at the statistics from country to country, they still remain the number 1 most demanded skill in today’s job market, namely France, Germany, India, Ireland, Singapore, the U.S., and Spain. Statistical analysis and data mining is also a close second in the past 3 years as well. “These skills are in such high demand because they’re at the cutting edge of technology. Employers need employees with cloud and distributed computing, statistical analysis and data mining skills to stay competitive” Fisher writes.

3)      Making data look pretty and presentable is becoming increasingly more significant to employers


Surprisingly, data presentation, which involves visualizing and presenting data in an organized manner, has landed on the list at number 8. “With statistical analysis and data mining holding strong again this year at #2, employers need employees who can organize data so it’s easy for people to understand”

4)      User Interface Design is one of the hottest jobs right now

Source: Pinterest

User Interface Design is also going strong, landing #14 in 2014, #10 in 2015, and #5 in the current 2016 list. “Data has become central to many products, which has created a need for people with user interface design skills who can make those products easy for customers to use” Fisher says.

If you have any of these skills, it would be good to write them in your resume or LinkedIn profile to let potential employers know; and if you don’t, it would be wise to start investing your time in these sets of skills.

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These Skills Will Help You Land A Job this 2017 According to LinkedIn

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