If You’re An Engineer Working Too Hard, It’s Time To Stop and Relax!

If you’re one of those engineers who think that working too hard will get you the promotion you want, take some time off and relax!

While some people like to chill at work, you’re probably the type of engineer who spends way too much time working. You’ve dedicated yourself to your profession, which eventually led you to doing a lot of work. Whether you’re aiming to get that promotion or you just can’t stand the thought of leaving work before it’s done, you spend more than eight hours working each day.

Source: Giphy

You’re used to working long hours already but every now and then. you feel tired and overworked to the point that it has negative effects on yourself already. We all know that working too hard can be bad for us, but here’s a reminder why you should take a break from what you’re doing and just go home early instead of trying to reach our breaking point at work.

  1. Using most of your time of the day to work will leave you feeling overwhelmed. This will eventually lead you to end up being unproductive. You can no longer to normal functions and small tasks for other people may be too much for you to handle.
  2. Getting sick is also an effect of being a workaholic. Some may get a cold or a cough, while for those workaholics who have worked too much over the years, they may get a heart disease or hypertension.
  3. Little do most people know that working too hard causes engineers to be less smart. A study from Yale University showed that people who had to go through a tremendous amount of stress had smaller brain volume compared to those who avoided getting stressed out.
  4. Your work will consume too much of your time, so say goodbye to building intimate relationships with the people you love.
  5. While some may think that our creativity isn’t affected by working too hard, it really does. When we spend too much time doing repetitive stressful tasks, our capacity to think big reduces. So becoming creative with our problem-solving skills is affected and we’re stuck with the same old routine that we have in doing our work.
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Source: Giphy

So if you’re one of those engineers who think that working too hard will get you the promotion you want, take some time off to reflect if it’s really worth it to spend too much time working? Think of other ways to work smart without necessarily working too hard. Who knows, it could save your life!

Article Source:

Inc. Southeast Asia


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If You’re An Engineer Working Too Hard, It’s Time To Stop and Relax!

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