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My Only 3 Rules of Dating in Engineering School

Having known all my friends’ experiences in college when it comes to dating, I share these 3 golden rules.

I have been single all my life, which gives me no credibility to give tips like ‘rules of dating in engineering school’. No firsthand experience at all, so might as well skip this, right?

Wrong. Because I have lots of friends. Friends from my college, which is engineering, who have been in miserable relationships because of misguided habits and decisions, eventually breaking their hearts. As their friend, I have been their crying shoulder. So I know their struggles.

I have always been that friend – the single one who has something valuable to say from a different perspective. Having known all my friends’ experiences in college when it comes to dating, I share these 3 golden rules:

Studies first before pleasure.

When my classmate Andee (not his real name) dated a girl belonging to a year younger than him from the chemical engineering department, he told me that he could afford to delay one year of study so he could be with her. Because Andee was head over heels with this girl, he willingly sacrificed his studies, often going out instead of attending his classes. It was a conscious decision, but it was stupid – a thought Andee only realized later after they broke up.

It’s all about setting priorities: studies first before pleasure. You went to engineering school to become an engineer, and to find a partner is only beside that.

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If you think you can afford to find a boyfriend or girlfriend without having to sacrifice your studies, as well as use that person as an inspiration to survive college, then go. Otherwise, you will end up being hurt.

Honesty is the best policy.

Every successful relationship is built on trust. And how could anyone earn that trust if you will not be totally honest with your partner?

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A friend of mine, Nicole, had to lie her way to get this guy she really likes. It was out of sheer desperation that she had to make up stories and manipulate people just so her crush notices her. Such a diehard. It did not take long that she got what she want. But only to be dumped by the guy so easily because the lies were discovered early on.

Trust me when I say that nobody wants to be lied to.

Actions speak louder than words.

Words like “I like you” or “I want this to be long term” are worthless if they are not paired with sincere actions. Unless of course you do not mean them.

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That’s what happened to my friend Mike, who is the king of texting (and sexting). But it’s all up to there. He did not show to the girl how much he liked her, hence the dating did not last long. Understandable.

The best that you can offer for someone special to you is your time and effort. It’s not about the gifts. Dating could get to be so materialistic at times, but

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My Only 3 Rules of Dating in Engineering School

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