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Don’t Desperately Find Love In Engineering School

Stop believing in this popular notion that college students are missing out if they don’t find love and have a partner.

Don’t Desperately Find Love In Engineering School


Oh, to be young and be in love in college. We’re not as embarrassing as we were back in high school and we still don’t have to take life seriously in college. We’re at the right age to actually enjoy life and have fun being in love. To have someone who would constantly encourage us to study and then bring us food when we’re too busy working on our papers. To find love that would help us with our projects and be there to hug us when we feel like giving up on school. To be with someone who would run after us after we get into a fight with them and then tell us they love us that it hurts. To be smitten by one’s smile and leave us excited for the adventures we’ll have in the future. To imagine a life with this person who would graduate with us in engineering school. Isn’t that the goal?

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Uhm, no!

I’m not a bitter engineer who’s writing this because I wasn’t able to find love when I was still in college. I actually did. I found plenty and I’m grateful to have met these people who helped shape me to who I am today. But there are students out there who are desperately seeking for attention from other people because they want to be loved.

These engineering students give it their all to other people and end up leaving nothing for themselves. They sacrifice their studies and their parents’ money just to be in relationships that don’t even help them become better individuals. They’re too desperate in finding love in college.

Source: Giphy

Please stop. You didn’t go to engineering school to find the man or woman of your dreams. You’re going there to be an engineer. You have to learn how to create, develop and fix different things – these lessons take time, energy, brains and effort. You are there to make your parents proud. You are there to graduate with an engineering degree and have a career you can be proud of. Focus on your studies. Know your priorities.

Engineering school is never easy.

While some are lucky to find true love in college, there are engineering students who just want to have fun – sex, weed and alcohol. Better avoid those people. It’s never a good idea to even fall in love with them. If you’re an engineering student who falls for toxic people, you’ll end up juggling your studies and relationships. It’s not healthy.  There will be days you’re totally in love with the world and motivated to study for your major exams but there are more days when you just want to give up because you can’t deal the pressure of juggling both. Toxic people will drain the energy out of you. Don’t risk having this kind of relationship if you don’t want to destroy your chances of being an engineer.

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Source: Giphy

Stop believing in this popular notion that college students are missing out if they don’t have partners. You came to engineering school to study. Please don’t be desperate to look for someone whom you want to share your food with. If I were you, I’d eat everything I’d buy to have the energy to survive a grueling day in college.

If you do find love, make sure this person will be good for you. But then again, don’t exert all of your energy and time to that person. Finding love should be least of your priorities. Always remember that you’re an engineering student with a goal to graduate on time (or at least just graduate). Choose the people you surround yourself with. It matters. It will always matter.

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Source: Giphy

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Engr. Alicia White
Studied Industrial engineering at Went to University of New South Wales and human resources at Melbourne Business School. Ex Rio Tinto, now with BHP Billiton and GineersNow. Follow me on

Don’t Desperately Find Love In Engineering School

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