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4 Lies That Engineers Make to Stay in Toxic Jobs

Despite being aware of the lies.

When an engineer enters a company, he or she has little to no idea how the job will affect him or her as a person. It will take a lot of time before the engineer realizes that he or she is working in a toxic environment, and by then he or she has already adjusted or found a reason to stay.

And what could be the reason exactly? Here are four, which are most likely lies that the engineers tells himself or herself:

“I’m needed”

What a selfless remark this is. But there is something wrong with such mindset: it’s not worth it because you are replaceable anyway. Engineers are bound to finish projects once they get to invest time and effort on them already, but once you realize that you already have a toxic job, it’s best to leave.

“I can’t leave my friends”

Yup, engineers can find friends even in toxic jobs. Perhaps that is the only factor that makes the work bearable, but this is an invalid reason to stay. You deserve a better employer and we cannot emphasize this enough: you have a choice. You can stay friends with your co-workers in that company outside of work anyway so this is just wrong.

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“It’s not so bad”

While this entire article seems pessimistic about toxic jobs, let us tell you that it actually is. There is a big toll in the health and well-being if engineers keep on convincing themselves that the toxic job isn’t so bad anyway. Hey. You could keep a better job and you know that.

“I’ll never have so much power again”

Here’s the sitch: you are already on your way to the top, maybe a few steps away, and you are thinking about losing everything that you have worked for. While this is somehow a great point, but if you keep a job which is already damaging to you in many aspects, you can still have a similar position in another company minus the toxicity. It is usually an illusion that engineers have when they feel that they are already close to the throne, but the reality is that someone can revoke that power that they want to grasp.

Source: Forbes

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4 Lies That Engineers Make to Stay in Toxic Jobs

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