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The 8 Qualities of Remarkable Engineers

They are not entirely the same with 'great' engineers.

A lot has been said about great engineers – they are dedicated, reliable, proactive, efficient, and productive. They have distinct qualities that make them great which are born out of right attitude, setting priorities, and good work ethics.

However, not all the time that great engineers are remarkable. Yes, they can have the best qualities but it is a different story when they can make a major impact on performance. The remarkable engineers are also not necessarily great because their qualities might not appear on performance appraisals – but nonetheless they have something to leave behind when they leave.

What are the qualities of remarkable engineers, you ask? Here are 8 of them, which might or might not be qualities of great engineers:

They ignore job descriptions

This might sound as a bad thing at first, but this actually means that the remarkable engineers do more than what is just written in their job descriptions. They take on more responsibilities even outside of their work and get things done. Especially at times when an extra hand is needed, they are the ones who volunteer.

They are eccentric…

Yet another bad trait to start with, but a little eccentricity actually helps. This is considered remarkable because such a trait shakes things up, tests the status quo, and make the work a little more fun.

But they know how to control that trait

Of course remarkable engineers are not all around eccentric, instead they know when to hold it back. They are aware about the times when to play and when to be serious, when to challenge and when to back off. Balancing this is difficult task so this characteristic is valued in the workplace.

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They publicly praise…

To praise the work of others boosts morale and confidence so this is essential. This leaves a great mark to others, letting them know that they are doing good. Engineers who do this are bound to have valuable relationships in the workplace.

And they privately complain

While remarkable engineers give praises out in the open, they criticize, or complain, at the right avenues. They do not voice out concerns which are serious and too sensitive so they bring up their problems and complaints to their bosses or co-workers privately.

They speak when others will not

It takes a lot of balls for engineers to stand up on their say on any matter. Engineers are inherently debaters, so they usually challenge opinions when needed. They also raise important issues when others hesitate.

They like to prove others wrong

This quality might come off to others as negative, but this is also like being eccentric. When engineers have a burning desire to prove other people wrong, it is not automatically a bad thing – in fact it is a form of self-motivation. It encourages an inner drive to work hard and smart.

They fiddle all the time

Remarkable engineers are constantly tinkering with something not because they are bored, but because they are rarely satisfied. This is not only about toys, but also processes. Fiddling allows them to find ways to make processes even better because they just cannot help it.

Source: Inc

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The 8 Qualities of Remarkable Engineers

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