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Want to Keep a New Good Habit at Work? Engineers, Just Follow These 3 Simple Steps

Forming new habits could be hard, no doubt; but master these three steps and you're all good.

There’s a saying, “Old habits die hard.” It doesn’t mention which kind of habits – bad or good – and only says old habits. But more often than not, it applies to situations attributing to the bad ones, reasoning out that evil deeds are hard to break when done on a regular basis.

Indeed. But when you are an engineer, you should have more good habits than bad in order to excel in the field. There is a lot of competition so you need to step up and master new habits.

Forming new habits could be hard, no doubt. And intention, together with willpower, is not enough – you should follow a simple 3-step plan to make them happen.

Source: Demand Studios

Make a specific action plan

You have the vision, now turn it into a goal. What pleasant habits do you want to keep or bad habits you need to break?

Say, for example, always being late. You can bypass this bad habit and turn it into a good habit by specifying what you need to do. Since you do not want to be late anymore, the thing needed to do is start your day earlier than usual. And that entails waking up before your usual alarms, or doing some hacks with your morning routines.

Another example, which applies to field engineers, is to have more focused and productive site visits. How to do this? Schedule the field work and tick what needs to be checked. If before you just roam around randomly checking what’s up, you better shape up and follow a routine.

Source: Chron

Anticipate challenges

It will not be easy! First step to become effective in your new habits is to expect the hurdles along the way, so you will be able to know how to react and respond.

That means you should be a realist so you will not give up easily, and instead face the challenges that hinder you from keeping these habits.

Stick with it                                                    

Commitment with your new habits depend on three key factors:  how difficult the new habit is to do, how often you do it, and how much it clashes with your current habits. But you know what, you only have to think them first and repeat saying them to yourself as a reminder.

As the saying goes, “Watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Source: Entrepreneur

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Want to Keep a New Good Habit at Work? Engineers, Just Follow These 3 Simple Steps

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