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3 Ways to Help Tenants to Relocate During the Pandemic

We all need to try to be a little bit kinder these days

Helping your  tenants to relocate during the global pandemic

As a landlord, you must help your tenants prepare to move on when it comes time for them to leave your property. We all need to be a little more helpful in this time period, and you should try to give your tenants some help as they move out. Here are some of the top tips we can give if your tenants need to relocate at this time.

Help Arrange Storage

Everything is up in the air and moving so slowly at the moment that it can be difficult to make solid arrangements. Pre-lockdown, most people could be packed up and moved on in the blink of an eye. This is not the case at the moment. You must ensure that your tenants are taken care of as they prepare to move on. They may have to do it in stages as they cannot find the resources to move all at once.

If you need the property to be cleared for a new tenant, this might not be the most convenient for you. Therefore, you may want to source some storage space for them to use while they pack up. This means that they can get all their things safely stored away when they are in transition and you can focus on getting the flat ready for the next tenants.

Lend a Van

If you have a wider property portfolio that you actively manage, you might have a van that you use in part to carry equipment for repairs and general maintenance. Your tenants might need some help actually moving their belongings, and in this scenario, it can be a great move to lend a helping hand and loan them the van for a little while.

This can be better for them as they will not have to hire one that could have had anyone in it. You could also lend your services as a driver. With gloves and a facemask, you should be fine, and it means that you could help out some tenants who might have been very good to you. There are so many little acts of kindness that you can do at the moment, and this is one that can really make a difference.


Go Half on a Cleaning Bill

Normally, the tenant is responsible for having the property deep-cleaned when they leave it. However, it is your duty as a landlord to ensure that the next tenant moves into a clean and hygienic environment.

If you have a good relationship with the outgoing tenant, why not consider either offering to go half on a professional deep clean or even cover it all yourself? You need to know for definite that the property is going to be fully cleaned throughout. Why not simply ensure it is done right from the beginning instead of hoping the tenants do a good enough job? It can be massively helpful for them as they try to move on and can give you peace of mind.

We all need to try to be a little bit kinder these days. Having tenants choose to move on can be a bit stressful, but there are many things you can do as a landlord to ensure that they go on their way in the best manner possible. If you have tenants who will be moving out soon, think about some of the things you can do to make it a little easier. You never know what might help them out as they try to relocate during these uncertain times.

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3 Ways to Help Tenants to Relocate During the Pandemic

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