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The Most Complicated Way to Light Up A Christmas Tree

This Latvian company, Scandiweb, now holds the record for lighting up a Christmas tree in the most complicated way ever.

Christmas Tree

Aren’t we excited to put up the Christmas trees in our homes? All the decorations are ready while the Christmas lights are brand new. Now all we want is to set everything up and with just a simple push of a button, we can see our Christmas trees light up the whole house in all of its glory.

Source: Guinness World Records

While we want everything to easily be set-up and light up as soon as we can, there are just people who love to complicate things. If you’re familiar with the Rube Goldberg method, you know that you can expect complicated contraptions that someone works on using machines to achieve simple tasks. This Latvian company, Scandiweb, now holds the records for lighting up a Christmas tree in the most complicated way ever. With 412 individual parts, the Guinness Book of World Records certified the event which took around 10 minutes to turn on the Christmas lights on the tree.

This project was completed after two months of organizing and constructing by volunteers and masters. The previous record holder was achieved last April 2015 with 382 contraptions in Hungary.

Source: Scandiweb





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Margaret Banford
Margaret Banford, when not writing, spends her time reading and playing several musical instruments. She is also a fair baker and the CEO of C.M. Cornes, Birmingham UK

The Most Complicated Way to Light Up A Christmas Tree

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