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How to Decorate Your Rental Property Ready for Tenants

These décor ideas should get your creative juices flowing and allow you to perfectly finish your property before inviting tenants to come and view it

Rental Property Decoration


Being a first-time investor/landlord comes with a lot of responsibility, not only are you investing your money into a property but you’re also taking on another asset. One of these responsibilities is decorating your rental property and getting it ready for tenants. This can be a difficult job to do if you’re not aware of the current trends and what tenants actually want in their space. Rather than guessing and potentially getting the interior décor wrong within your property, you should read the advice below to spruce up the place before renting it out to tenants. These décor ideas should get your creative juices flowing and allow you to perfectly finish your property before inviting tenants to come and view it. Before you know it, you will have hundreds of tenants wanting to rent your property.

Utilise Space-Saving Storage

No matter what type of property you invest your money in, you should utilise your space by placing things in storage when possible. If you own a studio apartment, it may be worth looking at pull out beds that can be stored away when not in use. This will also mean the tenant will have a lot more space in their apartment. Space-saving storage can also include underbed storage for extra bits the tenant may have with them when moving in, and even some sort of cupboard for a hoover, brush and other tools. Having this storage will make your property seem roomier rather than overly cosy and too cramped. When showing potential tenants around your property, emphases these storage units and how they can make the property their own if they were to move in.

Keep it Simple

When considering how to decorate your property, you should always keep it simple, don’t overcomplicate your decorations and try to go with a minimalistic style. Minimalism is currently on-trend which means many potential tenants will be looking for this style. Plus, it also takes away any aspect that tenants won’t like décor because it’s too bright or not the right colour. Properties by RWinvest may give you inspiration for how to decorate as all of their apartments and townhouses have a simple yet sleek décor. If you want some inspiration, their website has lots of beautiful CG and HD images to scroll through.

Paint Using Neutral Colours

One mistake many investors and landlords make is using bright or bold colours as paint on the walls of their property. Adding colour is a great way to express personality, but it doesn’t always work for everyone. If you’re planning on renting out the property, you want as many people as possible to be interested, but personal taste can deter people if it’s not what they like. If you choose grey, whites, creams and browns for your property, then you won’t have to worry that your potential tenant turning down the rental offer. Neutral colours allow the tenant to choose their own colour scheme through frames, cushions, and bedding. However, they may find it difficult to match according to a scheme you’ve already put in place. Trust us when we say, tenants prefer to add their own twist on a rental rather than having to live with someone else’s choice. Plus, neutral colours are timeless, so you don’t have to worry that your property will become dated.


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How to Decorate Your Rental Property Ready for Tenants

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