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When Engineering Colleagues at Work Become Besties

This is how to pass the fine line from ‘colleague’ to ‘friend’

Are you a new employee, or are you working with a new group of people? You may want to keep your relationships with your engineering colleagues on a superficial level for a bit. Yes, you want to have friends at work, but you also have to ‘feel’ the room for people who might just want to get information from you and people who actually want to be friends with you.

Engineering Colleagues and Besties (Source: Nola)

Before you get a bit too friendly with everybody, these tips will show you the way you go from “colleague” to “friend”

Proceed with Caution

Engineering Colleagues and Besties (Source: Giphy)

In the office, not everyone wants to be friends with their colleagues, especially in work environments that are very competitive in nature. There are some people who try to get ahead from the slightest information. So make sure you trust the person you are talking to completely before you divulge personal details with someone.

Avoid Social Media Relationships

Engineering Colleagues and Besties (Source: Giphy)

As discussed above, social media is the same. If possible, don’t share your social media to anyone you don’t trust. This is a different story if you’re at linked in, which is a site built for professional affiliations.

Keep Happy Hour Happy

Engineering Colleagues and Besties (Source: Giphy)

Yes, socialization is important. Having a couple of drinks and chilling with some colleagues is ok, but make sure to know your limit. You want to be remembered by your colleagues as the fun one not the drunk one.

Once you have made a friendly relationship with a co-worker and decided that you want them to be a part of your life as friends, then go for it. Add them on your Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and share your life stories with them.

But what are you going to do if by some event, your friendship with a colleague crumbles? How can you face them at the office everyday?

The best answer is to take the high road. It can be awkward and painful. But there is one thing that you should always remember…


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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

When Engineering Colleagues at Work Become Besties

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