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Engineering Professors, Students and Scientists are Converting Air Pollution to Solid Rocks

Columbia University, the Universities of Copenhagen and Reykjavik Energy Iceland engineering professors, students and scientists want to combat climate change

In an attempt to make use of the carbon dioxide emissions, engineering professors, students and scientists from Columbia University, the Universities of Copenhagen and Iceland, and Reykjavik Energy created a solid rock out of a stored carbon dioxide. And the results blew them away.

The process that is supposed to take centuries to achieve was done by the team in just two years. They have successfully converted carbon dioxide into solid rock way shorter than expected.

The process they call CarbFix involves injecting 175 tons of pure carbon dioxide and mixing it with hydrogen sulphide and water. Despite the extreme water pressure, the carbon dissolved. This mixture was pumped deeper into a layer of basaltic rock, where the magic happened: the mixture turned into a stable carbonate mineral in the course of two years.

Engineering Professors, Students and Scientists are Converting Air Pollution to Solid Rocks (Source: NDTV)

But there’s more. The study also found that this can even be shortened into just months given the right conditions.

“The results of this study demonstrate that nearly complete in situ CO2 mineralization in basaltic rocks can occur in less than 2 years,” the authors wrote. “Once stored within carbonate minerals, the leakage risk is eliminated and any monitoring program of the storage site can be significantly reduced, thus enhancing storage security and potentially public acceptance.

Engineering Professors, Students and Scientists are Converting Air Pollution to Solid Rocks (Source: Orkuveita Reykjavíkur)

Engineering Professors, Students and Scientists are Converting Air Pollution to Solid Rocks (Source: Arni Saeberg)



Edda Sif Aradóttir,  PhD

Project Manager – Reykjavik Energy

Image Source: Flickr

Sigurður Reynir Gíslason

Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Source: Daily Herald


Eric H. Oelkers

Research Director – Chemistry and Earth Science – CNRS UMR 5563 / Universtié Paul Sabatier, France

Source: isonose

Martin Stute

Adjunct Senior Research Scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Ann Whitney Olin Professor And Co-Chair at Environmental Science Barnard College, USA

Source: scoopnest

Juerg Matter

Associate Professor in Geoengineering within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton, University of Southampton, UK

Source: Oman Drilling


Deirdre Clark – Ph.D. student

  • Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland
  • Universiteit Utrecht – Master of Science (MSc), Earth Surface and Water
  • The George Washington University – Bachelor of Science (BSc), Geological Sciences
  • The George Washington University – Bachelor of Arts (BA), Environmental Studies

Image source: santamariaworld


Sandra Ósk Snæbjörnsdóttir

Ph.D. student, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Image source: pressan

Alexandra Murata

Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Image source: Linkedin

Bailey Griswold

Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Image source: Columbia University

Jennifer Hall

Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Alexandra Bausch

Ph.D. student, Columbia University

Image source: Linkedin

Alexander Gysi

Ph.D. student, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Image source: Colorado School of Mines

Gabrielle J. Stockmann, Ph.D.

Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Image Source: Linkedin


Helgi Arnar Alfreðsson

Ph.D. student – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Source: University of Iceland


Iwona Galeczka

Ph.D. student – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Source: starfsfolk


Kiflom Gebrehiwot Mesfin

Ph.D. student – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland


Snorri Guðbrandsson

Ph.D. student – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Source: Linkedin


Therese Kaarbo Flaathen

Ph.D. Graduate – Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland

Source: erichoelkers


Jonas Olsson

Ph.D. student – University of Copenhagen

Source: Linkedin


Olivier BOSC

Ph.D. student – Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse


Julien Declercq

Ph.D. – Université Paul Sabatier

Source: EAG Blog

Elísabet Vilborg Ragnheiðardóttir

M.Sc. Graduate, REYST

Source: notendur


Mahnaz Rezvani Khalil Abad

M.Sc. Graduate, University of Iceland

Source: Linkedin


Diana Fernandez de la Reguera

M.Sc. Graduate, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, US

Source: Mercury Press International

Luke Brough

M.Sc. Student, University of Waterloo/University of Copenhagen


Inger Aaberg

M.Sc. Student, University of Copenhagen

Source: Linkedin


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Engineering Professors, Students and Scientists are Converting Air Pollution to Solid Rocks

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