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Why Engineering Students Should Get a Position in the Student Council

This is a college affiliation recommended for other engineering students to try.

The moment I stepped into college, I thought of which extra-curricular activities I should be involved with. Back in high school, I have no less than three affiliations with different organizations to keep me busy outside of school. So it was natural for me to think about extending that kind of ‘job’ when I entered engineering.

But something held me back. That was high school. I was in college already, so it should not be the same.

I have been told that if I want to survive engineering, I have to focus on my studies and my studies alone. Don’t get in a relationship, they say. Don’t go out with friends, they say. Don’t sleep, they say. Don’t waste your time with other activities, they. But to hell whatever they say. I did all of that except for the relationship part because that was too much for me. Heh.

In my freshmen year, I searched for the possible organizations I could join into over the next years of college. I had to budget my extra-curricular work so I will not be exhausted early in engineering.

There were a lot of options but I chose which ones fit my interests.

Sports? Yes. I signed up for the engineering volleyball team and got in. Although I was only a bench warmer during games, I was able to value what team work is all about inside the court.

Academics? Yes. When I became active in the civil engineering student organization in my college, I was able to harness my social skills. I had to interact with different types of personalities and deal with them accordingly. It was a pleasure serving that organization especially that I did that with future civil engineers.

Student Council? Yes! Big yes! Involving myself in the student council was both an honor and a stress, with the former prevailing. It was difficult because this extracurricular activity is the most demanding in the organizations I joined, but it is also the most rewarding.

This is a college affiliation I really recommend for other engineering students to try. Why? I have these reasons:

Leadership skills. Regardless of your position in the student council, you are bound to lead others. You have a committee to handle? Take that responsibility and hone your leadership skills. When you are president, governor, or chairman, you hold a bigger weight on your shoulders. It will test how you coordinate with the group.

 Source: Popkey
Source: Popkey

Thinking strategies. You have a lot of work in the student council that represents the student body. For that, you will have to come up with ways to produce the best ideas and execution. When you are in the college-level student council, you will be facing other colleges to compete in university-wide contests and you will have to keep the welfare of your fellow engineering students.

Organizational skills. Balancing academic life and that extracurricular activity teaches you how to prioritize. Which ones are priorities? Which ones are not so urgent? Joining the student council should teach you on how to be organized with everything on your table.

Source: Giphy
Source: Giphy

Team play. It’s a given that the student council is never a one-man team. You will be joined by several other leaders that will help you in performing the mandate of your office. For that, you will learn how to trust others and become a team player.

But why do I suggest this over the other extracurricular activities?

Well, your experience in the student council will reflect in your work as an engineer later on. Not only that you can put that in your resume, but the leadership skills, thinking strategies, organizations skills, and team play will be your edge in the engineering workplace. I should know that because I’ve been involved in the student council and I have made good use of that experience at work. Trust me.

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Why Engineering Students Should Get a Position in the Student Council

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