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What Engineers Should Remember When They Feel Underqualified in Their Jobs

Here are some thoughts to help you keep on going.

When I was hired in my first engineering job ever, I knew that I have a lot to learn to prove myself that I am already an engineer. It was not enough that I had already completed my engineering course and got my license to practice.

I prepared for the job – it was time to live the dream – only to find myself asking after a few weeks at work, “What have I gotten myself into?”

I really thought I was prepared. But it did not feel that way.

There was a constant feeling of being completely unfit for the job. That I was underqualified. The tasks given to me were overwhelming and my role as an engineer became uncomfortable to me. And at one point, I began to ask myself if this was really what I want.

But that was only at the start. Eventually, with the help of my co-engineers who already have experience, I gained confidence and realized a three key things. Here are those:

Feeling underqualified is part of success

Every successful engineer has that uncomfortable stage where he or she doesn’t know anything about what he or she has gotten into. And that is okay, because it only takes time to be able to adapt. Nobody comes at work on the first day fully prepared anyway – each day, you learn new skills, develop new competencies, and advance your professionalism. You need a room to grow to be able to grow. Part of that is to feel underqualified.

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You were hired for a reason

Think of why you are there. The manager approved your job application because he or she has something in store for you. You did not go through that grueling process of hiring for you to be useless at work – unless of course you faked your interview or resume. It is only a matter of adjustment and finding the timing for you to feel that you are an engineer and you belong in the field.

It’s all about mindset

As mentioned, it is necessary to feel underqualified for the job. But that should not be the reason that you should pull yourself way down.

When you are trapped by doubt, you are most likely to never find confidence. It is all in the mind, really. You need to start focusing on what you can do to start achieving success.

Source: The Muse

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What Engineers Should Remember When They Feel Underqualified in Their Jobs

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